View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Vba Custom Format "0000" in File Name

12-25-2019, 07:03 AM
Hello i try to open picture in userform2.imagebox .All picture names like "0001" format in folder. Expectation is "0001" output is "1"

randno = 0
randno = Int((1000 - 2 + 2) * Rnd + 2)

If Len(randno) = 1 Then
fname = CStr("\" & "000" & randno & "-" & Lg & ".jpg")
ElseIf Len(randno) = 2 Then
fname = CStr("\" & "00" & randno & "-" & Lg & ".jpg")
ElseIf Len(randno) = 3 Then
fname = CStr("\" & "0" & randno & "-" & Lg & ".jpg")
ElseIf Len(randno) = 4 Then
fname = CStr("\" & "" & randno & "-" & Lg & ".jpg")
End If

With Img
Path1 = "C:\Downloads\Lg\"
myfile = Path1 & Lg & fname
.Picture = LoadPicture(myfile)
End With

12-25-2019, 09:24 AM
Not exactly sure about what you want to do, but this should return "0001" to "9999"

Option Explicit

Sub test()
Dim i As Long
Dim s As String

i = 1 + Int(9999# * Rnd)

s = Format(i, "0000")

MsgBox s

End Sub

12-27-2019, 02:57 AM
s = Format(i, "0000")

Thanks Paul format is working.