View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Removing duplicate from keywords

01-02-2020, 04:36 AM
I have a workbook with two sheets. The first sheet ("GUI") is the user interface while the other sheet ("Dic") contains the list of diseases (column A) and its corresponding keyword (column B). The macro below searches the textbox (Textbox1) in Sheet "GUI" to locate any diseases listed in Sheet "DIC" and if it finds a match, displays the diseases in the Listbox where user have option to select what disease is more relevant to him. Once he double clicks the listbox, the adjacent value (the activity keyword) corresponding to the disease is displayed in the output textbox (Textbox2). The format in the output textbox is "keyword" followed by semi-colon and space and then the next keyword entry. Now the macro below does exactly that and prevents any duplicate values to output. However, in cases where there are multiple keywords for particular diseases, e.g. Acne and Actinic keratosis (both with Dermatological as keyword), how do I prevent or remove the duplicate keyword (Dermatological) from appearing? See attached sample workbook

Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim Msg As String
Dim t As Integer
Dim lRow As Long

lRow = Sheets("Dic").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row

If ActiveSheet.ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then
Msg = "Nothing"
Msg = ""
For t = 0 To ActiveSheet.ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ActiveSheet.ListBox1.Selected(t) Then _
Msg = Msg & ActiveSheet.ListBox1.List(t) '& vbCrLf

Next t

Dim str_accrual As String
Dim rngToSearch As Range

str_accrual = Msg

Set rngToSearch = Sheets("Dic").Range("A1:A" & lRow)

If Not IsError(Application.Match(str_accrual, rngToSearch, 1)) Then
i = Application.Match(str_accrual, rngToSearch, 1)
Var = Sheets("Dic").Range("A" & i).Offset(0, 1)

If InStr(ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text, Var) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Activity KW already exists"
If ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text = "" Then
ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text = Var
ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text = ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text & "; " & Var
End If
End If

End If

End If
End Sub

01-02-2020, 05:20 AM
Rethink your project: use a Userform with comboboxes.

01-02-2020, 05:32 AM
I think that can be done. How about the duplicates?

01-02-2020, 07:23 AM
You could put the items of the textbox into an array, remove duplicates then re-populate the textbox:

Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim Msg As String
Dim t As Integer
Dim lRow As Long

lRow = Sheets("Dic").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row

If ActiveSheet.ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then
Msg = "Nothing"
Msg = ""
For t = 0 To ActiveSheet.ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ActiveSheet.ListBox1.Selected(t) Then _
Msg = Msg & ActiveSheet.ListBox1.List(t) '& vbCrLf
Next t

Dim str_accrual As String
Dim rngToSearch As Range

str_accrual = Msg

Set rngToSearch = Sheets("Dic").Range("A1:A" & lRow)

If Not IsError(Application.Match(str_accrual, rngToSearch, 1)) Then
i = Application.Match(str_accrual, rngToSearch, 1)
Var = Sheets("Dic").Range("A" & i).Offset(0, 1)

If InStr(ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text, Var) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Activity KW already exists"
If ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text = "" Then
ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text = Var
ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text = ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text & "; " & Var
End If
End If

End If

End If
'Remove duplicates
Dim aTB2
Dim d As New Scripting.Dictionary ' Reference Microsoft Scripting Runtime in the VBE window.
aTB2 = Split(ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text, ";")
With d
For i = LBound(aTB2) To UBound(aTB2)
If IsMissing(aTB2(i)) = False Then
.Item(aTB2(i)) = 1
End If
ActiveSheet.TextBox2.Text = Join(.Keys, ";")
End With
End Sub

01-02-2020, 08:35 AM
you did it again paul. cant thank you enough.

01-02-2020, 08:42 AM
You're welcome :thumb

01-02-2020, 09:26 AM
you did it again paul. cant thank you enough.

And quickly too

I was doing the same basic thing without a dictionary object and paulked beat me :thumb

01-02-2020, 09:58 AM
I have to thank snb's website for teaching me arrays :clap:

01-02-2020, 01:27 PM
You can do this in 1 go:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
sn = Sheet1.Cells(1).CurrentRegion
c00 = Sheet2.TextBox1

For j = 1 To UBound(sn)
If Len(Replace(c00, sn(j, 1), "", , , 1)) <> Len(c00) Then
c01 = c01 & sn(j, 1) & vbLf
If InStr(c02, sn(j, 2)) = 0 Then c02 = c02 & ";" & sn(j, 2)
End If

Sheet2.ListBox1.List = Split(c01, vbLf)
Sheet2.TextBox2.Text = Mid(c02, 2)
End Sub

01-02-2020, 06:03 PM
you make it so simple snb. thanks

01-03-2020, 02:37 AM
An alternative, using strcomp:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
sn = Sheet1.Cells(1).CurrentRegion
c00 = Sheet2.TextBox1

For j = 1 To UBound(sn)
If StrComp(Replace(c00, sn(j, 1), "", , , 1), c00, 1) <> 0 Then
c01 = c01 & sn(j, 1) & vbLf
If InStr(c02 & ";", Replace(";~;", "~", sn(j, 2))) = 0 Then c02 = c02 & ";" & sn(j, 2)
End If

Sheet2.ListBox1.List = Split(c01, vbLf)
Sheet2.TextBox2.Text = Mid(c02, 2)
End Sub