View Full Version : VBA code when click on PowerPoint last slide then open Word document

01-15-2020, 04:52 PM

I am a trainer and have about 100 training modules in Powerpoint 2016.
I also have a Word page in which every presentation is listed. The idea is that I click on a link in Word that will open the Powerpoint presentation. No problems so far, this all works.
However, what I want to achieve is the following:

When I come to the last slide of the pptm presentation and I click the mouse or clicker then this action should close the Powerpoint presentation and open up the Word document that contains the index of the presentations.

I do not want to create an object on the last page that physically needs to be clicked. No, just when I progress to the last page and I click the mouse (Or clicker) then the action will need to happen.

So far I created this code but it doesn't work. Most likely due to the fact that I'm not familiar with the nomenclature in Powerpoint objects.

Sub ReturnToMenu()
Dim sld As Slide
Set sld = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide
'With sld = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide _

With sld.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick)
.Action = ppActionHyperlink
.Hyperlink.Address = "G:\- Course modules\Modules list.docx"
End With
End Sub

Can somebody help please?
Thank you very much in advance!


John Wilson
01-16-2020, 01:57 AM
Slides do not have ActionSettings so your code cannot work.

You might be able to use code which runs when you get to the last slide

Sub OnSlideShowPageChange(SW As SlideShowWindow)
' you must add an item from the Control Toolbox on
' Slide 1 and set to NOT VISIBLE
If SW.View.CurrentShowPosition = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count Then
MsgBox "Last Slide"
End If
End Sub

Obviously replace the msgBox witht he Hyperlink code.

Unfortunately this pseudo event is not reliable (it dates from PPT 97) and you must add an item from the control toolbox to the first slide and set it to NOT VISIBLE in the selection pane. It will appear to work without this but it will eventually fail unless you do this.

If you use this a lot the best solution would be to create an AddIn that detects that the presentation has a link to word and opens it when the last slide displays. Not so easy but definitely works.