View Full Version : Word recovery and mapping vba

01-23-2020, 08:17 AM
Hello everybody,

I have a question today about word recovery with VBA. The task looks like this. As "search terms" we have: "always empty", "sometimes empty", "always full", "large", "small". Now I would like to be informed with VBA where these words are and as a bonus I want to know in which parking lot (P1, P2, P3) and in which park place (Hamburg parking lot, München parking lot) they are.

A sample output would be: "Always empty" is in parking lot Hamburg -> P1 and in parking lot Cologne -> P3.

Is this possible, if so how? Or do you have other suggestions? Thank you in advance! So a sample edition would be: "always empty" is in parking lot Hamburg -> P1 and in parking lot Cologne -> P3.

Is this possible, if so how? Or do you have other suggestions? Many thanks in advance!!!

Parkplatz Hamburg -> P1 The parking lot is always empty; The parking lot is large
Parkplatz Hamburg -> P2 The parking lot is sometimes empty. The parking lot is small
Parkplatz Hamburg -> P3 The parking lot is always full. The parking lot is large
Car park Cologne -> P1 The car park is sometimes empty. The car park is small
Car park Cologne -> P2 The parking lot is always full. The parking lot is large
Car park Cologne -> P3 The parking lot is always empty. The parking lot is large

Leith Ross
01-23-2020, 01:11 PM
This question has been cross-posted here https://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1303645-word-recovery-and-mapping.html (https://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1303645-word-recovery-and-mapping.html)

01-23-2020, 01:57 PM
Ich kenne keine Parkplätze in Köln.
Zeig mal bitte.