View Full Version : Remove space after paragraph on Reply/ReplyAll/Forward

02-12-2020, 04:58 AM
Dear gurus,

Im looking for a simple macro which would remove space before/after paragraph (set to 0) when I click on Reply/ReplyAll or Forward button.
But only on the first line (body where I start typing), so when i start typing and press ENTER, it wont make any additional space...
Currently this setting can be done for new messages only, but on reply it always uses template from the recipient, therefore only vba can handle this.

Im very good ad vba in excel, however this is the first time a deal with vba on outlook, so I readup that some of the code (WithEvents) has to be set under ThisOutlookSession,
but the sub itself should be placed in regular module...

Therefore, can I kindly ask you to gimme example oif this vba (and tell me which part to save to ThisOutlookSession and which to the Module...

Thank you