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View Full Version : Copy cell data from one protected file to another

02-13-2020, 02:06 AM
Hi, this is my first post in this forum, I was looking for a solution to my problem and came to here, so I am posting to see if someone can help me.

First of all, sorry if I make any mistake writting, but I'm portuguese.

So I have made one file that have protecion by login, in the file I have very different sheets and the password is to allow the employes to access only to one specific sheet and put the information wanted. The file is in the company server, and when I put it to work I realize one problem, when someone open the file, the second person that try's to open has the message that "the file is bloqued for edit because is open on another computer", so this doesn't work like I want.

I have the need to have all the information from the different employes in the same file to make some formulas and accounts, so I am try to find a solution.

I have tryed a simple one, copy the file and have a different file for each employe, then have the master file and use in the master file in the respective sheet from that employe the "= then go to the file of the employe and to the sheet and select that cell" This is working fine if I have the master file always open, because automaticly syncs when someone input information on the employes sheet.

The problem is because all the files have password, when I open the master file if the others are closed, I have the error that it cannot connects to the other files, if I want to correct the path or continue whitout connection.

I found some VBA codes to copy and past the information from one file to another, but I think this is not the ideal because I want to have formulas in other sheet and if it copy's and past information I think it will break the path of the formulas. The ideal is like I have in this moment, it's like syncing and the sheet path is allways the same and does't "break" the formulas.

Any idea?

I can't upload this as attachment because of the size, so I will let a link to download the file so you can understand better what I want, to login as admin User "Admin" Pass "ADM"



02-14-2020, 03:54 AM
No one know how I can resolve this?
