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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Excel VBA Userform Comboboxes not populating with external data range

04-07-2020, 04:07 AM
I have a Userform with 2 Comboboxes on that should get the data ranges from an external workbook. I'm stepping through the code with F8 to see the process, everything runs without errors but the ComboBoxes are empty when the userform shows.
The named ranges are set when I check it in the Watch window. I'm not sure if the problem comes in with the userform_initialize when I assign the named ranges to the combo boxes?
Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Option Explicit
Public m_Cancelled As Boolean
Public Const myRangeNameVendor As String = "myNamedRangeDynamicVendor"
Public Const myRangeNameVendorCode As String = "myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode"
Public VendorName As String
Public VendorCode As String

Sub NamedRanges(wb As Workbook, wSh As Worksheet)

'declare variables to hold row and column numbers that define named cell range (dynamic)
Dim myFirstRow As Long
Dim myLastRow As Long

'declare object variable to hold reference to cell range
Dim myNamedRangeDynamicVendor As Range
Dim myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode As Range

'identify first row of cell range
myFirstRow = 2

'Vendor Name range
With wSh.Cells

'find last row of source data cell range
myLastRow = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

'specify cell range
Set myNamedRangeDynamicVendor = .Range(.Cells(myFirstRow, "A:A"), .Cells(myLastRow, "A:A"))

End With

'create named range with workbook scope. Defined name is as specified. Cell range is as identified, with the last row being dynamically determined
wb.Names.Add Name:=myRangeNameVendor, RefersTo:=myNamedRangeDynamicVendor

'Vendor Code range
With wSh.Cells

'specify cell range
Set myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode = .Range(.Cells(myFirstRow, "B:B"), .Cells(myLastRow, "B:B"))

End With

'create named range with workbook scope. Defined name is as specified. Cell range is as identified, with the last row being dynamically determined
wb.Names.Add Name:=myRangeNameVendorCode, RefersTo:=myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode

End Sub

' Returns the textbox value to the calling procedure
Public Property Get Vendor() As String
VendorName = cboxVendorName.Value
VendorCode = cboxVendorCode.Value
End Property

Private Sub buttonCancel_Click()
' Hide the Userform and set cancelled to true
m_Cancelled = True
End Sub

' Hide the UserForm when the user click Ok
Private Sub buttonOk_Click()
End Sub

' Handle user clicking on the X button
Private Sub FrmVendor_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)

' Prevent the form being unloaded
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then Cancel = True

' Hide the Userform and set cancelled to true
m_Cancelled = True

End Sub

Private Sub FrmVendor_Initialize()

'add column of data from spreadsheet to your userform ComboBox
With Me
cboxVendorName.RowSource = ThisWorkbook.Names(Split(.Tag, "|")(0)).Address(external:=True)
cboxVendorCode.RowSource = ThisWorkbook.Names(Split(.Tag, "|")(1)).Address(external:=True)

End With
cboxVendorCode.ColumnCount = 2

End Sub

Sub Macro5()

Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim path As String
Dim MainWB As Workbook
Dim MasterFile As String
Dim MasterFileF As String

Set ws = Application.ActiveSheet
Set MainWB = Application.ActiveWorkbook

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'Get folder path
path = GetFolder()

MasterFile = Dir(path & "\*Master data*.xls*")
MasterFileF = path & "\" & MasterFile

'Check if workbook open if not open it
If Not wbOpen(MasterFile, wb) Then
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(MasterFileF, False, True)
End If

'Set Vendor Name and Code Range names
Call NamedRanges(wb, wSh)

'Select Vendor name and Vendor code with User Form and set variables

' Display the UserForm
With New FrmVendor
.Tag = myRangeNameVendor & "|" & myRangeNameVendorCode
End With

VendorName = FrmVendor.cboxVendorName.Value
VendorCode = FrmVendor.cboxVendorCode.Value

' Clean up
Unload FrmVendor
Set FrmVendor = Nothing

04-07-2020, 03:53 PM
Procedures FrmVendor_Initialize and FrmVendor_QueryClose have incorrect names. If they are to be events, they must have a specific name: Userform_Initialize and Userform_QueryClose.


04-10-2020, 10:17 AM
Thanks Artik, I had to make a couple more changes. I received an answer on a different website. Link and explanation to follow.

04-10-2020, 10:23 AM
I received an answer on a different website. Link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61077956/userform-comboboxes-not-populating-with-external-data-range?noredirect=1#comment108109480_61077956

To sum up the problem:

I had to move the FrmVendor_Initialize procedure the the UserForm code (I actuall removed the intitialize procedure all together)
Main thing was to change the .tag that sets the address for the comboboxes
Had to move the variables to get the info from the comboboxes into the New FrmVendor code above it
I moved all the sub procedures connected to the userform into the Userform code (I know it's not neccessary but made things easier for my code)

Main code that needed to change:

' Display the UserForm
With New FrmVendor
.cboxVendorName.RowSource = wb.Names(myRangeNameVendor).RefersToRange.Address(external:=True)
.cboxVendorCode.RowSource = wb.Names(myRangeNameVendorCode).RefersToRange.Address(external:=True)
VendorName = .cboxVendorName.Value
VendorCode = .cboxVendorCode.Value
End With