View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Excel Formula to compare between actual values and target values

04-25-2020, 03:58 AM
Hi, I am trying to compare the actual values and the target values in order to validate if it's PASS or FAIL based on a condition.

I have the following columns: TARGET, H or L, ACTUAL, PASS/FAIL.

The Target column contains numbers of different types. Could be whole number, decimal, percentage, seconds, and two values (minimum and maximum).

H or L column means that:

H : ACTUAL has to be higher than target

L : ACTUAL has to be lower than target

The formula I have is: =IF(I2="","",IF(AND(G2="H",I2>=F2),"P",IF(AND(G2="L",I2<=F2),"P","F")))

However that won't work on the one with a minimun and maximum. Any ideas?

Thank you

04-25-2020, 07:06 PM
Hello, I have solved this. Thank you

04-26-2020, 05:45 AM
Can you share the solution? Please.

04-26-2020, 07:07 AM
Not sure if there is another way, but I decided to just split the target column into two: minimum and maximum targets then I used IF AND