View Full Version : Maximum Limit for MMULT()

06-12-2020, 08:53 PM
Hello, it has been a while since I visited VBA Express.

I am trying to to form a quadratic formula, x'Ax, where A is of dimension 144 x 144, and x is of dimension 144 x 1.
Are they too large for MMULT()?

I keep getting #VALUE! after pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

I am attaching the workbook, if anybody wants to take a look.

Best Regards,

06-12-2020, 09:25 PM
Normally speaking the formula layout is = {MMult(Array1,Array2)}, but I notice you are using =MMULT(CMatrix,CMatrix). Try using Control Shift Enter to enter the formula

06-13-2020, 03:54 AM
In EP2: =A2^2

Then autofill the complete matrix

Sub M_snb()
With Sheet5.Cells(2, 146)
.value= "=A2^2"
.AutoFill .Resize(, 12 ^ 2), 1
.Resize(, 12 ^ 2).AutoFill .Resize(12 ^ 2, 12 ^ 2)
end with
End Sub

06-13-2020, 07:21 AM
You have empty cells in CMatrix. Make them all 0's


Option Explicit
Sub Check()
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 1 To 144
For j = 1 To 144
If VarType([CMatrix].Cells(i, j).Value) = vbEmpty Then
Debug.Print "Row = " & i & ", Column = " & j
[CMatrix].Cells(i, j).Value = 0
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub


06-13-2020, 07:46 PM
You have empty cells in CMatrix. Make them all 0's


Option Explicit
Sub Check()
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 1 To 144
For j = 1 To 144
If VarType([CMatrix].Cells(i, j).Value) = vbEmpty Then
Debug.Print "Row = " & i & ", Column = " & j
[CMatrix].Cells(i, j).Value = 0
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub


Paul Hossler,
Thanks for writing that Check() function. I am now able to calculate using the Matrix formulae.