View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Using Application.Run

08-08-2020, 08:20 AM
Is there a way to shorten "Application.Run"? By that I mean, I can dim WF as a WorksheetFunction and set it to = Application.WorksheetFunction, so that I can execute worksheet functions with just WF.istext, for example. Is there a way to accomplish the same thing for Application.Run?

08-08-2020, 09:56 AM
Sub AAA()
Dim xlApp As Application

Set xlApp = Application

xlApp.Run "BBB"
End Sub

Sub BBB()
MsgBox "Hello World"
End Sub


08-08-2020, 10:55 AM
Thanks. I should have tried that using Dim. I was trying to define it and set it via a Public Property and it was erroring out on me. You're right. It works when dimmed the way you demonstrate. I wonder why the same thing can't be defined via a Public Property?

08-09-2020, 02:45 AM
It will be reinventing the wheel. :)

In standard module
Sub AAA()
Dim objApp As CAppRunner

Set objApp = New CAppRunner
Set objApp.GetApp = Application

objApp.RunMethod "BBB"
End Sub

Sub BBB()
MsgBox "Hello world"
End Sub and in a class module named CAppRunner
Option Explicit

Private mappGetApp As Application

Public Property Get GetApp() As Application
On Error GoTo HandleExit

Set GetApp = mappGetApp
End Property

Public Property Set GetApp(rData As Application)
On Error GoTo HandleExit

Set mappGetApp = rData
End Property

Sub RunMethod(strMacroName As String)
mappGetApp.Run strMacroName
End Sub

08-09-2020, 05:47 AM
Thanks for the help.