View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Collapse and Expand Form Footer based on table field

09-15-2020, 03:45 PM
Hello, I have an example switchboard I been working on and im trying to implement Collapse and Expand of the forms footer and only show it when certain menu items need it. There is a field in tbl_MenuItems named ExpandFooter which would be the field needed to determine if the footer is Collapse or Expand. On my frm_Switchboard I just added a button (Command48) to toggle the footer for testing using the Private Function ColapseExpandFooter().

First I cant figure out how to split the Private Function ColapseExpandFooter() into two functions that would 1) Colapse and 1)Expand then I cant find where It would be used and determined from the tables field tbl_MenuItems - ExpandFooter .


09-20-2020, 04:41 AM
Do you still need an answer to this?
There is also another function that can be employed, which is the StatusBarText.
Forms("frmImport").cmdGetSource.StatusBarText = "Opening Excel Selected Workbook."

09-20-2020, 06:22 AM
Do you still need an answer to this?

No OBP i solved it, but if you have the time can you show what your resulution is? Thanks

09-20-2020, 06:36 AM
I haven't actually bothered to collapse the form footer programatically because unless screen space is critical I just leave it displayed.