View Full Version : Outlook VBA macro to open a webpage hyperlink from selected text

09-25-2020, 12:50 AM

I am seeking help on a very small Outlook task (though not sure if it is something small or big on efforts to code). At least I tried searching the entire Forum for it but without any luck. Even Google failed to provide me any solution. So, I am not sure if it is even possible OR its just that I am too stupid to find it.

What I am trying to do in Outlook:

Select a word (it could be in subject or body of email) in a received email. And then hit the macro so that it opens a webpage address (in chrome). The selected word is part of the webpage address.

If I select the word "PRC1234" then the link which should open is "https://websiteaddress/PRC1234/rest_of_the_address/PRC1234.html"
IF I select the word "PRC2345" then the link which should open is "https://websiteaddress/PRC2345/rest_of_the_address/PRC2345.html".

So, again, I am not sure if this is really so difficult or easy to accomplish with vba macro. BUT any help would be highly appreciated.

10-13-2020, 12:30 AM
Aah! Initially I thought that this might be not difficult for experts. BUT looks like I requested a Not_Possible thing.