View Full Version : Reading/writting cutom properties....Help speeding up my code

10-06-2020, 01:19 AM
Hi guys. Just after a bit of help.
I have a userform to populate a large user manaual (100 odd pages, 5mb) with about 20 custom properties.

All works, but im finding its taking quite a long time to cycle through all the custom properties. Its a selection of code that I have cobbled together so Im sure its very messy and not at all optimised.
The reading of custom properties into the user form takes especially long.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim PropVal As String

MsgBox "Reading document properties. Please be patient", , "O&M Manual creation"

PropVal = ReadProp("Subject")
Subject = ReadProp("Subject")

PropVal = ReadProp("Date Completed")
DateComplete = ReadProp("Date Completed")

PropVal = ReadProp("Company")
Company = ReadProp("Company")

PropVal = ReadProp("NoOfStages")
NoOfStages = ReadProp("NoOfStages")

PropVal = ReadProp("Stage1Process")
Stage1Process = ReadProp("Stage1Process")

PropVal = ReadProp("TrackSpeed")
TrackSpeed = ReadProp("TrackSpeed")

PropVal = ReadProp("Temperature_Controller_Type")
Temperature_Controller_Type = ReadProp("Temperature_Controller_Type")

PropVal = ReadProp("Temperature_Indicator")
Temperature_Indicator = ReadProp("Temperature_Indicator")

PropVal = ReadProp("Product_Height")
Product_Height = ReadProp("Product_Height")

PropVal = ReadProp("Product_Width")
Product_Width = ReadProp("Product_Width")

PropVal = ReadProp("Product_Length")
Product_Length = ReadProp("Product_Length")

PropVal = ReadProp("Customer_Address1")
Customer_Address1 = ReadProp("Customer_Address1")

PropVal = ReadProp("Customer_Address2")
Customer_Address2 = ReadProp("Customer_Address2")

PropVal = ReadProp("Customer_Address3")
Customer_Address3 = ReadProp("Customer_Address3")

PropVal = ReadProp("Customer_Address4")
Customer_Address4 = ReadProp("Customer_Address4")

PropVal = ReadProp("Customer_Address5")
Customer_Address5 = ReadProp("Customer_Address5")

PropVal = ReadProp("Customer_Address6")
Customer_Address6 = ReadProp("Customer_Address6")

Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim PlantList As String
'Changes document properties to values of userform. Values are linked in documents and will update automatically
' FOUND HERE: https://wordmvp.com/FAQs/MacrosVBA/MixedDocProps.htm
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Subject", sValue:=Subject)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Company", sValue:=Company)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Date completed", sValue:=DateComplete)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="NoOfStages", sValue:=NoOfStages)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Stage1Process", sValue:=Stage1Process)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="TrackSpeed", sValue:=TrackSpeed)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Temperature_Controller_Type", sValue:=Temperature_Controller_Type)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Temperature_Indicator", sValue:=Temperature_Indicator)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Product_Height", sValue:=Product_Height)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Product_Width", sValue:=Product_Width)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Product_Length", sValue:=Product_Length)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address1", sValue:=Customer_Address1)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address2", sValue:=Customer_Address2)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address3", sValue:=Customer_Address3)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address4", sValue:=Customer_Address4)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address5", sValue:=Customer_Address5)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address6", sValue:=Customer_Address6)
Unload DocProperties
End Sub

Public Sub WriteProp(sPropName As String, sValue As String, _
Optional lType As Long = msoPropertyTypeString)

'In the above declaration, "Optional lType As Long = msoPropertyTypeString" means
'that if the Document Property's Type is Text, we don't need to include the lType argument
'when we call the procedure; but if it's any other Prpperty Type (e.g. date) then we do

Dim bCustom As Boolean

On Error GoTo ErrHandlerWriteProp

'Try to write the value sValue to the custom documentproperties
'If the customdocumentproperty does not exists, an error will occur
'and the code in the errorhandler will run
ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(sPropName).Value = sValue
'Quit this routine
Exit Sub

'We know now that the property is not a builtin documentproperty,
'but a custom documentproperty, so bCustom = True
bCustom = True

'Try to set the value for the customproperty sPropName to sValue
'An error will occur if the documentproperty doesn't exist yet
'and the code in the errorhandler will take over
ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties(sPropName).Value = sValue
Exit Sub

'We came here from the errorhandler, so know we know that
'property sPropName is not a built-in property and that there's
'no custom property with this name
'Add it
On Error Resume Next
ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:=sPropName, _
LinkToContent:=False, Type:=lType, Value:=sValue

If Err Then
'If we still get an error, the value isn't valid for the Property Type
'e,g an invalid date was used
Debug.Print "The Property " & Chr(34) & _
sPropName & Chr(34) & " couldn't be written, because " & _
Chr(34) & sValue & Chr(34) & _
" is not a valid value for the property type"
End If

Exit Sub

Select Case Err
Case Else
'Clear the error
'bCustom is a boolean variable, if the code jumps to this
'errorhandler for the first time, the value for bCustom is False
If Not bCustom Then
'Continue with the code after the label Proceed
Resume Proceed
'The errorhandler was executed before because the value for
'the variable bCustom is True, therefor we know that the
'customdocumentproperty did not exist yet, jump to AddProp,
'where the property will be made
Resume AddProp
End If
End Select

End Sub

Function ReadProp(sPropName As String) As Variant

Dim bCustom As Boolean
Dim sValue As String

On Error GoTo ErrHandlerReadProp
'Try the built-in properties first
'An error will occur if the property doesn't exist
sValue = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(sPropName).Value
ReadProp = sValue
Exit Function

bCustom = True

sValue = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties(sPropName).Value
ReadProp = sValue
Exit Function

'The boolean bCustom has the value False, if this is the first
'time that the errorhandler is runned
If Not bCustom Then
'Continue to see if the property is a custom documentproperty
Resume ContinueCustom
'The property wasn't found, return an empty string
ReadProp = ""
Exit Function
End If

End Function

10-06-2020, 04:39 AM
I am not sure of the point of reading the values twice e.g.
PropVal = ReadProp("Subject")
Subject = ReadProp("Subject")and if Subject has no value, what's the point of reading any further values? The following reads the docproperties almost instantaneously (when present)
I don't like to rely on error conditions in order to progress. The following does not use error handling to read or write values.

Option Explicit

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim PropVal As String
PropVal = ReadProp("Subject")
If PropVal = "" Then Exit Sub
Subject = PropVal
DateComplete = ReadProp("Date Completed")
Company = ReadProp("Company")
NoOfStages = ReadProp("NoOfStages")
Stage1Process = ReadProp("Stage1Process")
TrackSpeed = ReadProp("TrackSpeed")
Temperature_Controller_Type = ReadProp("Temperature_Controller_Type")
Temperature_Indicator = ReadProp("Temperature_Indicator")
Product_Height = ReadProp("Product_Height")
Product_Width = ReadProp("Product_Width")
Product_Length = ReadProp("Product_Length")
Customer_Address1 = ReadProp("Customer Address1")
Customer_Address2 = ReadProp("Customer Address2")
Customer_Address3 = ReadProp("Customer Address3")
Customer_Address4 = ReadProp("Customer Address4")
Customer_Address5 = ReadProp("Customer Address5")
Customer_Address6 = ReadProp("Customer Address6")
End Sub

Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim PlantList As String
'Changes document properties to values of userform. Values are linked in documents and will update automatically
' FOUND HERE: https://wordmvp.com/FAQs/MacrosVBA/MixedDocProps.htm
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Subject", sValue:=Subject)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Company", sValue:=Company)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Date completed", sValue:=DateComplete)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="NoOfStages", sValue:=NoOfStages)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Stage1Process", sValue:=Stage1Process)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="TrackSpeed", sValue:=TrackSpeed)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Temperature_Controller_Type", sValue:=Temperature_Controller_Type)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Temperature_Indicator", sValue:=Temperature_Indicator)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Product_Height", sValue:=Product_Height)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Product_Width", sValue:=Product_Width)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Product_Length", sValue:=Product_Length)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address1", sValue:=Customer_Address1)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address2", sValue:=Customer_Address2)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address3", sValue:=Customer_Address3)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address4", sValue:=Customer_Address4)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address5", sValue:=Customer_Address5)
Call WriteProp(sPropName:="Customer Address6", sValue:=Customer_Address6)
Unload DocProperties
End Sub

Private Sub WriteProp(sPropName As String, sValue As String, Optional lType As Long = msoPropertyTypeString)
Dim oProp As DocumentProperty
Dim bBuilt As Boolean, bCust As Boolean
For Each oProp In ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties
If oProp.Name = sPropName Then
oProp.Value = sValue
bBuilt = True
Exit For
End If
Next oProp
If Not bBuilt Then
For Each oProp In ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties
If oProp.Name = sPropName Then
oProp.Value = sValue
bCust = True
Exit For
End If
Next oProp
If Not bCust Then
ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:=sPropName, _
LinkToContent:=False, _
Type:=lType, _
End If
End If
Set oProp = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Function ReadProp(strName As String) As Variant
Dim oProp As DocumentProperty
Dim bBuilt As Boolean, bCust As Boolean
For Each oProp In ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties
If oProp.Name = strName Then
ReadProp = oProp.Value
bBuilt = True
Exit For
End If
Next oProp
If Not bBuilt Then
For Each oProp In ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties
If oProp.Name = strName Then
ReadProp = oProp.Value
bCust = True
Exit For
End If
Next oProp
If Not bCust Then ReadProp = ""
End If
Exit Function
End Function

Chas Kenyon
10-06-2020, 06:22 AM
Just a side note. Why are you using document properties rather than document variables?

Document properties can be accessed and changed through the user interface looking at advanced properties.
Document variables require vba or some utility most users will not have. Both can be displayed using fields in the document.

10-06-2020, 08:07 AM

Not sure I understand your aversion to error handling. In this case it can eliminate all of the looping.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
If ReadProp("Subject") = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
Subject = PropVal
Company = ReadProp("Company")
DateComplete = ReadProp("Date Completed")
NoOfStages = ReadProp("NoOfStages")
'and so on ...
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub OK_Click()
WriteProp "Subject", Subject
WriteProp "Company", Company
WriteProp "Date completed", DateComplete
WriteProp "NoOfStages", NoOfStages
WriteProp "Stage1Process", Stage1Process
'and so on ...
'Unload DocProperties - do this is the calling procedure.
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub WriteProp(sPropName As String, sValue As String, Optional lType As Long = msoPropertyTypeString)
Dim oProp As DocumentProperty
Set oProp = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set oProp = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(sPropName)
If Not oProp Is Nothing Then
oProp.Value = sValue
Set oProp = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties(sPropName)
If Not oProp Is Nothing Then
oProp.Value = sValue
ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Add _
sPropName, False, lType, sValue
End If
End If
Set oProp = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Function ReadProp(strName As String) As Variant
Dim oProp As DocumentProperty
Set oProp = Nothing
ReadProp = vbNullString
On Error Resume Next
Set oProp = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(strName)
If Not oProp Is Nothing Then
ReadProp = oProp.Value
Set oProp = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties(strName)
If Not oProp Is Nothing Then ReadProp = oProp.Value
End If
Exit Function
End Function

10-10-2020, 08:24 AM
Not tested, but wouldn't something like this be simpler?

Option Explicit

Private Function ReadProp(strName As String) As Variant
On Error GoTo lbl_Exit
ReadProp = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(strName).Value
Exit Function

ReadProp = vbNullString
End Function

10-10-2020, 08:50 AM
Well yes, but as we are also calling the function for custom properties then I suppose it could be (again like yours, not tested):

Private Function ReadProp(strName As String) As Variant
On Error Resume Next
Set ReadProp = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(strName)
If ReadProp = Empty Then
Set ReadProp = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties(strName)
End If
Exit Function
End Function