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View Full Version : Populate fields based on the filter

12-14-2020, 04:32 PM
Hi at all, form is the first time that I write here, and I do not speak english very well, but I try it.
In attached I put a little example, where I have a little database with:
Name (supplier)
Delivery Date
Order (in cartons)

in higt of the sheet Work, I've a summary with what I order and other fileds that i take from sheet Manage. I would like to report these fields in a userform with the change takes place via the filter. I maked an userform, but I do not knowledge how to do it
Can you help me?
Many many thanks

12-15-2020, 03:13 AM
Hello, Would you consider doing this in an Access database rather than in Excel? Databases are meant for this sort of work and are very simple and straightforward.

I'm not suggesting that this can't be done in Excel. And there are many good reasons why some people want/have to do database work in Excel.

But from a developer/programming standpoint, this is MUCH easier to accomplish in Access.

12-15-2020, 04:06 AM
Hello, Would you consider doing this in an Access database rather than in Excel? Databases are meant for this sort of work and are very simple and straightforward.

I'm not suggesting that this can't be done in Excel. And there are many good reasons why some people want/have to do database work in Excel.

But from a developer/programming standpoint, this is MUCH easier to accomplish in Access.

Hi, is true, Access is better than Excel with a lot of data, but I don not knowledge of Access, I know very little and my collegaues less :-)
With VBA I'm startinng now to undertand it and if I have this solution, can be a way for studing, because ok a book oa little learnng, but the solution about a real problem is different, is more complete....my opinion
Thank you

12-15-2020, 05:38 AM
Hi, is true, Access is better than Excel with a lot of data, but I don not knowledge of Access, I know very little and my collegaues less :-)
With VBA I'm startinng now to undertand it and if I have this solution, can be a way for studing, because ok a book oa little learnng, but the solution about a real problem is different, is more complete....my opinion
Thank you

True, true. Please be aware that using Excel to act as a database is a VERY complicated process. So if you are talking about learning curves, you will learn quicker and more efficiently for database stuff by investing your time and education in Access.

If you want to perform advance spread sheeting commands, then of course Excel in appropriate.

All the best to you on your educational journey.


12-15-2020, 06:55 AM
If you use an 'intelligent' table and/or a pivottable you are ready.
I see no benefit to use a Userform.

12-15-2020, 11:41 PM
Hi snb and thanks for your answer. I know the pivot table but in this case is not that I’m searching.
I try to explain me better.
I have a database with a lot of supplier, and every supplier has his information. I’d like a userform where i can read these informations in the high part (I know that a userform I can open it where I want) and I go to on the filter int he database, change supplier e I'd like to see that the change inforamtions in the userform. All informations single supplier, are in second sheet, so the informations of the userform, are in second sheet, always.
Is it possible?
thanks a lot.

12-16-2020, 02:32 AM
See the attachment

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12-16-2020, 10:56 AM
Hi, I didn't know it....if it's not a problem I would like to continue to post my doubts here.
I have seen the userform you have inserted in the file and thank you, but my request was yes to see all the fields of the second sheet, but based on the filter that I go to do from column B.
At each filter (single not multiple) in the userform see only the fields of the second sheet related to the filter made.

Sorry for my bad English :blush

12-17-2020, 02:08 PM
Hi, is it not possible to do this?
Forgive the insistence, but it's not, it's just to see if it's wrong what I'm asking for