View Full Version : Nested classes with dynamic array

03-26-2021, 02:32 PM
How can i define a dynamic array of a class object in another class?
Beneath you can find a demo code, what did I forget / wrong?


Dim library as Collection
Dim book as clsBook
Set library = New Collection

'add books to library
For i=0 to 5
Set book = New clsBook
book.title = "title"

'add pages to book
For j = 0 to 5
book.page(j).pagenr = "P" & j
Next j

library.Add book
Next i
End Sub

Dim title as String
Dim pages() as clsPage '??? How to create a dynamic array of the class clsPage

Dim pagenr as Integer

03-26-2021, 05:30 PM
I'd do it a little different - this might give you some ideas

Main sub in standard module

Option Explicit

Sub Main()
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim BookLibrary As Collection
Dim oBook As clsBook
Dim oPage As clsPage
Dim s As String

Set BookLibrary = New Collection

'add books to BookLibrary
For i = 1 To 5 ' Collection Items start at 1
Set oBook = New clsBook
oBook.BookTitle = "Book Title " & i

'add pages to book
For j = 1 To 5
Set oPage = New clsPage
oPage.PageNumber = j
oPage.PageText = "This is text for " & oBook.BookTitle & " Page " & CStr(j)
Call oBook.BookPages.Add(oPage, CStr(j))
Next j

BookLibrary.Add oBook, oBook.BookTitle

Next i

MsgBox BookLibrary(1).BookTitle
MsgBox BookLibrary(5).BookTitle
MsgBox BookLibrary(3).BookPages(1).PageText

For Each oBook In BookLibrary
s = s & oBook.BookTitle & vbCrLf

MsgBox s

s = ""
For Each oPage In BookLibrary("Book Title 3").BookPages
s = s & oPage.PageNumber & " -- " & oPage.PageText & vbCrLf

MsgBox s
End Sub


Option Explicit

Private m_Title As String
Private m_Pages As Collection

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_Pages = New Collection
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_Pages = Nothing
End Sub

Property Get BookTitle() As String
BookTitle = m_Title
End Property
Property Let BookTitle(s As String)
m_Title = s
End Property

Property Get BookPages() As Collection
Set BookPages = m_Pages
End Property

Property Get BookPage(Nbr As Long) As clsPage
Set BookPage = m_Pages(CStr(Nbr))
End Property


Option Explicit

Private m_PageNumber As Long
Private m_PageText As String

Property Get PageNumber() As Long
PageNumber = m_PageNumber
End Property
Property Let PageNumber(n As Long)
m_PageNumber = n
End Property

Property Get PageText() As String
PageText = m_PageText
End Property
Property Let PageText(s As String)
m_PageText = s
End Property

If you just wanted to add pages sequentially, then maybe something like this

For j = 1 To 5 Set oPage = New clsPage
oPage.PageNumber = oBook.BookPages.Count + 1
oPage.PageText = "This is text for " & oBook.BookTitle & " Page " & CStr(oPage.PageNumber)
Call oBook.BookPages.Add(oPage, CStr(oPage.PageNumber))
Next j

03-27-2021, 06:42 AM

That's a bad example.


Private pChapTitle as String

'How to read the chapter Title
Public Property Get Title() As String
Title = pChapTitle
End Property

'How to write the chapter Title
Public Property Let Title(Chapter_Title As String)
pChapTitle = Chapter_Title
End Property)


Private pChapters As Collection
Private pBook_Title As String

'Write the Book's Title
Public Property Let Title(BookTitle) As String
pBook_Title = Title
End Property

'Read the Book's Title
Public Property Get Title() As String
Title = pBook_Title
End Property

'Add a Chapter to the Book
Public Function AddChapter(ChapterTitle As String)
Dim X as New ClsChapter
X.Title = ChapterTitle
pChapters.Add X
set X = Nothing
End Function

'How many Chapters in Book
Public Property Get Count() As long
Count = pChapters.Count
End Property

'What is Particular Chapter Title
Public Property Get ChapterTitle(ChapterNumber As long) As String
ChapterTitle = pChapters(ChapterNumber).Title
End Property

Classes should only interact with the outside via Public Properties and Methods (Functions and Subs). The convention is that Properties only read and write Variables, and Methods perform actions. Another convention is that Class Variable used by Properties are prefixed with a special character. I use "p" for Property usage and "m" for Method usage, YMMV. The "Me" Keyword allows the internal use of Public Properties and Methods