View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Help with sorting arrays numerically

04-25-2021, 03:15 PM
I am trying to figure out how to sort an array numerically. I have no problem getting it to work alphabetically; but numerically, it does not seem to work.

I have below, for example, a list of four numbers divided by commas, but I can't understand why "actual" at the bottom of this code does not give "3, 4, 5, 11" instead of "11, 3, 4, 5". Many thanks in advance for any help on this matter!

Dim actual As String
Dim arr As Variant
Dim overall As String
Dim strTemp As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim lngMin As Long
Dim lngMax As Long

overall = "3, 4, 11, 5"
arr = Split(overall, ", ")

lngMin = LBound(arr)
lngMax = UBound(arr)
For i = lngMin To lngMax - 1
For j = i To lngMax
If arr(i) > arr(j) Then
strTemp = arr(j)
arr(j) = arr(i)
arr(i) = strTemp
End If
Next j
Next i

For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
actual = Join(arr, ", ")
Next i

04-25-2021, 03:34 PM
For example:

Dim DataArray()
DataArray() = Array("3", "4", "11", "5")
WordBasic.SortArray DataArray()
MsgBox Join(DataArray(), ", ")
Alternatively, to accept data in your original format:

Sub DemoX()
Dim StrData As String, i As Long, j As Long, DataArray()
StrData = "3, 4, 11, 5"
j = UBound(Split(StrData, ", ")): ReDim DataArray(j)
For i = 0 To j
DataArray(i) = Split(StrData, ", ")(i)
WordBasic.SortArray DataArray()
MsgBox Join(DataArray(), ", ")
End Sub
Note: To use WordBasic.SortArray to sort a text array, you need to define DataArray() as a string.

PS: When posting code, please structure your code and use the code tags, indicated by the # button on the posting menu. Without them, your code loses much of whatever structure it had.

04-25-2021, 04:41 PM
Actually your macro was performing exactly how it was coded.

The biggest issue was that you were comparing and sorting strings, not numbers (screen shot)

So "11,3,4,5" was correct since "11" is < "3", although 3 is < 11

Your "j" start was off by 1 also

ALso, that not the way Join() works -- no looping

So look at SortDemo() and compare to SortDemoOriginal


Option Explicit

Sub SortDemo()
Dim actual As String
Dim arr As Variant
Dim overall As String
Dim strTemp As String ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long

overall = "3, 4, 11, 5"
arr = Split(overall, ",")

For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) - 1
For j = i + 1 To UBound(arr) ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If CLng(arr(i)) > CLng(arr(j)) Then ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
strTemp = arr(j)
arr(j) = arr(i)
arr(i) = strTemp
End If
Next j
Next i

actual = Join(arr, ", ") ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

MsgBox actual
End Sub

Sub SortDemoOriginal()

Dim actual As String
Dim arr As Variant
Dim overall As String
Dim strTemp As Long ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim lngMin As Long
Dim lngMax As Long

overall = "3, 4, 11, 5"
arr = Split(overall, ", ")

lngMin = LBound(arr)
lngMax = UBound(arr)
For i = lngMin To lngMax - 1
For j = i To lngMax ' <<<<<<<<<<<
If arr(i) > arr(j) Then ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
strTemp = arr(j)
arr(j) = arr(i)
arr(i) = strTemp
End If
Next j
Next i

For i = 0 To UBound(arr) ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
actual = Join(arr, ", ")
Next i

End Sub

04-25-2021, 04:58 PM
Thank you both, particularly Paul: this was all crystal clear and you couldn't have explained it better.

You've really helped me a lot this evening.