View Full Version : Help to filter list

07-24-2021, 12:36 AM
Hello. About a year ago I watched a vba lesson on youtube to create a inventory management system. I have the system running but wanted to make a few improvements and would appreciate any type of help.

I have attached the file. In the form/system, what I am trying to do is be able to type a word and have the list filter items that matches that word only. So if i type for eg. "apple" only listings I see are items with "apple".

THere are 2 product fields, I am looking to do this under the "sales/purchase transactions" section. Clicking the product dropdown shows all the products. But once this list gets long, it gets a bit harder to find what you are looking for. So trying to see if I can change it so that typing the word will filter out the search.

Thank you in advance.

07-24-2021, 02:38 AM
Try this
change the Combobox (cmb_Product) style from frmStyleDropDownList to frmStyleDropDownCombo

Private Sub cmb_Product_KeyUp(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)

Dim Typematch As String
Dim i As Long

Typematch = LCase(cmb_Product.Text)

With Me.cmb_Product
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
On Error Resume Next
If LCase(.List(i)) Like "*" & Typematch & "*" Then
'do nothing
.RemoveItem (i)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
End With

If Len(cmb_Product.Text) = 0 Then Call Refresh_Product_List

End Sub

I just thought to give a try. Definitely there will be a better way to do this, which the expert members in this forum may explain

07-24-2021, 07:22 AM
I'd set the control's MatchEntry = fmMatchEntryFirstLetter


07-24-2021, 07:54 AM
I'd set the control's MatchEntry = fmMatchEntryFirstLetter


Wouldnt this just match the first letter? Im trying to see if I can match words, multiple letters. Thanks.

07-24-2021, 08:08 AM
Wouldn't this just match the first letter?

Yes, but

1. It's easy
2. It's fast
3. It gets you close

I think I've seen what you're asking about, but IIRC it involves reading keystrokes, repositioning the display, etc. Whole lot of work

07-24-2021, 08:12 AM
Yes, but

1. It's easy
2. It's fast
3. It gets you close

I think I've seen what you're asking about, but IIRC it involves reading keystrokes, repositioning the display, etc. Whole lot of work

Yeah, it works currently with the first letter. Issue is with a large list, there can be many products that start with the same letter. Trying to find a solution for that.

07-24-2021, 09:52 AM
Not exactly using the Combobox, but uses a Listbox as a search box

Has the advantage of being easy

There's a number of efficiencies that could be made, especially if the list is sorted, but the complexity didn't seem worth it

07-24-2021, 10:21 AM
Thanks for sharing this Paul!

07-24-2021, 04:26 PM
Tweaked the xlsm a little

07-24-2021, 08:26 PM
Thanks. This is what im looking for, but being limited in code, not sure where to put/change this code :(.

07-25-2021, 09:07 AM

Replace the Product combobox with a textbox and a list box

Integrate the event handlers from test_2

Test_2 only has the Product selection and the Save button working

Lot of existing code will need to be modified and the Userform format changed for cosmetics

07-25-2021, 05:53 PM
Thanks. This seems a bit to complicated for my skillset. Was trying to see if there really was a simple solution, doesnt look like there is.

07-26-2021, 08:25 AM
It really isn't too complicated

Replace your combobox with a textbox to type in and a list box to pick from

In Userform_Initialize, build an array of the Products (or whatever)

Option Explicit

Dim aryProducts As Variant

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim r As Range

With Worksheets("Product_Master")
Set r = .Cells(2, 2)
Set r = Range(r, r.End(xlDown))

aryProducts = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(r)
End With

Me.tbSearch.Text = vbNullString

End Sub

In Textbox_Change, fill the Listbox (Listbox AddItem) with Products that start with what is in the Textbox

Private Sub tbSearch_Change()
Dim i As Long
With Me


If Len(.tbSearch.Text) = 0 Then Exit Sub

For i = LBound(aryProducts) To UBound(aryProducts)
If UCase(Left(aryProducts(i), Len(.tbSearch.Text))) = UCase(.tbSearch.Text) Then
.lbProduct.AddItem aryProducts(i)
End If
Next i

End With

End Sub

Save/Process/Select the listbox item that is highlighted

Private Sub CommandButton8_Click()
With Me
If Not IsNull(.lbProduct.Value) Then MsgBox .lbProduct.Value

End With

Unload Me

End Sub

07-26-2021, 08:22 PM
Thanks Paul. I think whats really throwing me off isnt just trying to get the search to run the way I want, but also because the search is "linked" to other components in the sheet. Like picking a product initiates adding/removing from the inventory and also adding to the daily sales and profit margins. This is what I feel is throwing me off because adding the search code might mess these other links.

Really new to this so I might be completely off base. I'll try to play around with your tips to see if I can get anywhere.

Thanks a bunch for your assistance!

It really isn't too complicated

Replace your combobox with a textbox to type in and a list box to pick from

In Userform_Initialize, build an array of the Products (or whatever)

Option Explicit

Dim aryProducts As Variant

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim r As Range

With Worksheets("Product_Master")
Set r = .Cells(2, 2)
Set r = Range(r, r.End(xlDown))

aryProducts = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(r)
End With

Me.tbSearch.Text = vbNullString

End Sub

In Textbox_Change, fill the Listbox (Listbox AddItem) with Products that start with what is in the Textbox

Private Sub tbSearch_Change()
Dim i As Long
With Me


If Len(.tbSearch.Text) = 0 Then Exit Sub

For i = LBound(aryProducts) To UBound(aryProducts)
If UCase(Left(aryProducts(i), Len(.tbSearch.Text))) = UCase(.tbSearch.Text) Then
.lbProduct.AddItem aryProducts(i)
End If
Next i

End With

End Sub

Save/Process/Select the listbox item that is highlighted

Private Sub CommandButton8_Click()
With Me
If Not IsNull(.lbProduct.Value) Then MsgBox .lbProduct.Value

End With

Unload Me

End Sub

07-26-2021, 08:44 PM
Look at this line and insetad of MsgBox use .lbProduct.Value in your other places

If Not IsNull(.lbProduct.Value) Then MsgBox .lbProduct.Value

07-26-2021, 09:48 PM
Look at this line and insetad of MsgBox use .lbProduct.Value in your other places

If Not IsNull(.lbProduct.Value) Then MsgBox .lbProduct.Value

What would I do with cmb_Product? This is what the combobox was and a lot of code is associated with that? Just replace cmb_Product with tbsearch?

07-27-2021, 08:35 AM
Post #13


Replace cmb_Product and it's event code with tbSearch and lbProduct and the event code in my example.

Then in Commandbutton8_Click use lbProduct.Value for the follow on processing

07-27-2021, 08:43 PM
Sorry, still a bit confused. For eg. have this:

Sub Refresh_Product_List()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Product_Master")

Dim i As Integer

Me.cmb_Product.AddItem ""
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(sh.Range("A:A")) > 1 Then
For i = 2 To Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(sh.Range("A:A"))
Me.cmb_Product.AddItem sh.Range("B" & i).Value
Next i
End If

End Sub

Here, theres calls to cmb_product here. ANd I believe more like this across other code. I understand removing cmbbox and adding listbox along with the new code. But still confused on these older references. Thank you.

Post #13


Replace cmb_Product and it's event code with tbSearch and lbProduct and the event code in my example.

Then in Commandbutton8_Click use lbProduct.Value for the follow on processing

07-28-2021, 06:58 AM
Here, there's calls to cmb_product here. And I believe more like this across other code. I understand removing cmbbox and adding listbox along with the new code. But still confused on these older references. Thank you.

If you replace Combobox with a Textbox and a Listbox, then all the uses of the Combobox will have to be changed accordingly

The Test button opens the userform, and the Search Textbox searches product names that match. Clicking a Product Name in the Listbox populates Qty and ID (example of using the selection)


FWIW, I like to

1. Define Const values for key columns to make the code easier to interpret

2. Put all non-Userform initialization code in a separate sub

3. Use small subs/functions to improve readability

Option Explicit

Public aryProducts As Variant
Public aryID As Variant
Public rData As Range

Public Const colID = 1
Public Const colProduct = 2
Public Const colPrice = 3
Public Const colAvail = 4
Public Const colStock = 5

'========================================================================== ==============
Sub drv()


Load frm_Inventory_Management
End Sub
'========================================================================== ==============

Sub Init()
Dim r As Range

With Worksheets("Product_Master")
Set r = .Cells(2, colProduct)
Set r = Range(r, r.End(xlDown))

aryProducts = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(r)

Set r = .Cells(2, colID)
Set r = Range(r, r.End(xlDown))

aryID = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(r)

Set rData = .Cells(1, colID).CurrentRegion
End With

End Sub

Function rowLookupByProduct(s As String) As Range
Dim r As Long

r = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(s, rData.Columns(colProduct), 0)

Set rowLookupByProduct = rData.Rows(r)
End Function

Function rowLookupByID(s As String) As Range
Dim r As Long

r = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(s, rData.Columns(colID), 0)

Set rowLookupByID = rData.Rows(r)
End Function