View Full Version : Select and align floating shapes overlapping selected range-Word 2007

08-06-2021, 12:41 AM
I am working on a macro to

1. select all floating shapes overlapping a selected range which may be part of a page or table cell (Select all shapes on a page is answered thank you at -Loop-through-shapes-on-current-page), and apply the following, only to the selected shapes:

2. Set all anchors .RelativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeHorizontalPositionColumn,
3. align the shapes side by side 1cm apart, with the tops at the same position (images are different heights, and the aligned images may need to flow into 2 rows on the page - is this possible?),
4. group them,
5. position the group at the left of the table column/page margin,
6. wrap text around the group.

I have found various snippets which I could piece together (slowly and inelegantly, as I am not a coder!) except 1. would appreciate any help.