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View Full Version : Solved: Bar Chart code, help please

02-01-2006, 05:57 PM
Running xl 2000. I need help with code. The bar chart is coming from a pivot table. Upper management wants to see the bars in different colors according to a scale.
0-5 Red
6 - 15 Bronze
16 - 35 Silver
36 Gold
Right now we do each bar one by one. Ugly.
There are 116 bars. I can change the bars using code:
Selection.Fill.PresetTextured PresetTexture:=msoTextureWhiteMarble. ' Silver

Selection.Fill.PresetTextured PresetTexture:=msoTextureWhiteMarble.

But I am dumbfounded on how to even start on the scale values. I am attaching the spreadsheet. I had to delete, hide some information. I hope this is enough information.

Thanks in advance

02-01-2006, 09:53 PM
Does this http://peltiertech.com/Excel/Charts/format.html help?

02-02-2006, 01:03 PM
Thanks Kieran,

Your suggested web site is great and a lot of valuable information. It did not cover information regarding pivot reports/charts, but I was able to redo my raw data and use information gained from your suggested web site. I have saved this site as a favorite and will be using it frequently. To all of you that work with charts, please take the time to review this site, listed above by Kieran.

thanks again

02-02-2006, 07:44 PM
There is a specific page on that site which discusses conditional formatting of a chart, that is, applying different formats based on values.


The trick is to have multiple series in the chart, each one with one of your specified formats. Formulas in the cells dictate which series has a point at each category.

P.S. Thanks for your nice words about my site, and thanks Kieran for posting the link.

02-03-2006, 05:06 AM
Thanks Jon for a wonderful site, your information posted above is exactly what I used. I originally had a pivot report but I could not get the information to format correctly, so I created another raw data sheet according to your instructions and it works...great
Thanks again