View Full Version : Sleeper: Interpretation of `@` sign in the formula bar

11-22-2021, 01:26 AM

I am working with an Excel file, where I observed the use of '@' sign in the formula bar in some the cells.

Attached is one such snapshot.

Is there any special meaning of the use of '@' in formula bar?

Your pointer is highly appreciated.

11-22-2021, 05:49 AM
As I understand it, it is being used to indicate an implicit intersection operator. By that it returns a single value from the row which the formula current reside in. Please refer to the following https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/implicit-intersection-operator-ce3be07b-0101-4450-a24e-c1c999be2b34

11-22-2021, 07:23 AM

I am working with an Excel file, where I observed the use of '@' sign in the formula bar in some the cells.

Attached is one such snapshot.

Is there any special meaning of the use of '@' in formula bar?

Your pointer is highly appreciated.

The'@' at the beginning and the '#' sometimes at the end of a formula have to do with the new dynamic arrays

The @ symbol precedes the reference and it forces Excel to treat the reference as it would have pre-dynamic arrays.

The # symbol follows the reference and it makes it incredibly easy to refer to spilled ranges. You use the # after the reference to the cell in the top left corner of the spilled range.

https://exceljet.net/glossary/dynamic-array#:~:text=In%20fall%202018%2C%20Microsoft%20announced,in%20a%20%22spill %20range%22.



I made a sample WB when I was looking at dynamic arrays and some new formulas

Jan Karel Pieterse
11-22-2021, 08:51 AM
This looks like a formula that is dividing Column8 by Column20 within a range formatted as table. The @ denotes we're taking the cell in column 8 viz 20 from the same row as where the formula is.