View Full Version : How to create a coordinate system for a svg picture in excel?

12-14-2021, 05:51 AM
I have gps coordinates in WGS84 format with latitude and longitude coordinate pairs, ex. 57.900, 12,05, ex. 5.920, 12.048.

I have a svg map of scandinavia, which consists of individual shapes.

Is there a way to create a grid of coordinates and overlay it over the image.

So that my example coordinate would be in the same place in my svg map as in google maps?

I am not sure but perhaps I should start by creating a bounding box with the outer bounds of my coordinates?

Then create a subgrid. I have looked at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System#WGS84 but not sure how to implement this.

I want to use real coordinates and place them appoximately in the same position in the svg map as in a proper map.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?


I want to use real coordinates for northern europe like in the above image?