View Full Version : Need help tweaking a VBA code to generate events in Outlook Shared Calendar w/reminde

03-14-2022, 09:36 PM
Hi everybody,
I'm not a coder by any means. I've got my hands on a set of VBA coding lines that creates events in Outlook from an Excel spreadsheet. It's almost perfect and is what I need, except I would like for it to do 2 specific things for me and I was hoping expert folks here can help me get it done. Here's the code:

Sub CreateAppointment ()
Set olOutlook = CreateObject ("Outlook.Application")
Set Namespace = olOutlook.GetNameSpace ("MAPI")
Set oloFolder = Namespace.GetDefaultFolder (9)
LastRow = Cells (Rows.Count, 1) .End (xlUp) .Row
For i = 2 To LastRow
Description = Cells(i, 1) .Value
StartDate = Cells (i, 4) .Value
Set Appointment = oloFolder.itmes.Add
With Appointment
.Start = StartDate
.Subject = Description
End With
Next i
End Sub

However I need to tweak it to do 2 specific things for me:

1. To generate events in a shared Outlook calendar (instead of the default one) that I'm going to share
with a team of 5-6 people.
2. To include a reminder which pops up on the shared Outlook calendar on the due date and would be
visible to all team members with whom the calendar is shared.

Thank you

03-14-2022, 11:06 PM
If the folder is in the same account then

Set olFolder = Namespace.GetDefaultFolder(9).Parent.Folders("FolderName")where FolderName is the name of the shared calendar.
If you want to set a reminder then add
.ReminderSet = Trueto the appointment.

03-15-2022, 09:02 AM
Thank you so much. I believe this is what I exactly needed. Just to make sure, does the ".ReminderSet = True" goes here in the lines of code?

With Appointment
.Start = StartDate
.Subject = Description
.ReminderSet = True <----- is this the right position?
End With

Appreciate your help.

03-15-2022, 09:50 PM
That should work - try it.