View Full Version : Copying values from one column in a sheet to another column in another sheet once.

10-29-2022, 04:10 PM
Hi, I have this idea for this program that goes from down column C in a sheet called MSS and copies the values next to daily but only once and avoids repeating site values. So for example if in sheet MSS under Site Columns there are two cells that say tools I only want it to copy it once to the sheet Task List under column C starting at C2.

I have the following code but it dosen't seem to work.

Private Sub PopulateTaskList()
Dim wMS As Worksheet, wsTL As Worksheet, rngC As Range, rngTL As Range
Dim boolExists As Boolean, i As Long
Dim verify As String

'Check to see if sheet named Task List exists
For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count 'check if the sheet exists
If Worksheets(i).Name = "Task List" Then
Set wsTL = Worksheets(i)
boolExists = True
Exit Sub '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
End If
Next i

'Add sheet named Taks List if it dosen't exist
If Not boolExists Then
Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Task List"
Set wsTL = Worksheets("Task List")
End If

Set wMS = Worksheets("MSS")
Set rngC = wMS.Range("C3")
Set rngTL = wsTL.Range("C2")

Do Until rngC.Value = ""
If rngC.Value = "Daily" Then
verify = rngC.Offset(0, -2).Value
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rngTL, verify) Then
rngC.Copy wsTL.Range("B2")
rngC.Offset(0, 1).Copy wsTL.Range("D2")
rngC.Offset(0, -2).Copy wsTL.Range("C2")
rngC.Offset(0, -1).Copy wsTL.Range("A2")
End If
End If

Set rngC = rngC.Offset(1) 'set the range as the next cell down11

End Sub



10-30-2022, 04:58 AM
if in sheet MSS under Site Columns there are two cells that say tools I only want it to copy it once to the sheet Task List under column C starting at C2.
So, filtering for Tools in the Site column, which of these four do you want to keep?:

10-30-2022, 05:44 PM
So, filtering for Tools in the Site column, which of these four do you want to keep?:

I guess the first tools that shows up and then discard the rest, but now that I looked at my problem is that in the Daily 1 sheet I have less items than the task list that I created. So when I try to verifiy if those tasks are done with the validate function in dosen't find many of the tasks.

10-31-2022, 04:49 AM
Give a clear overview of what you want, then add details; the code in the workbook is different from the code you quoted here - there are more loops. It's not clear what you're trying to do.