View Full Version : Sorting two way pivot table with VBA?

12-02-2022, 06:02 AM
I have very unusuall problem, yet still I think someone  had to do it in the past...
I need a way to easly sort data in two way pivot table by specific rules.

Example: I have Customer Orders and Material (required for every C.O.). Value is amount of parts required from specific Material for every Order.
When I want to sort it with build-in Excel/Pivot (either Min;Max or Max;Min) sorting I've got something like that:

while I wish to sort it according to set rules:
- 1st sort C.O. that uses only one Material and this Material is not used in other C.O. (smaller 1st rule?)
- next sort Material by the sequence for completed orders (preferably smaller orders completed faster)
- preferably do not "start" too much Materials
- spiliting Materials for two batches is possible

If I do it by hand i'm geting table like below (upside down "stairs"), but it's time consuming (up to 80 Materials and even 300 C.O. each day..)

Is it even possible in Excel/VBA? I'm looking for solutions but didn't found a single idea how I can make it more as automated process...

Any ideas where to start would be very helpfull...

12-10-2022, 09:54 PM
Are you able to attach the workbook? I can have a look at it for you.

12-12-2022, 11:36 PM
I was able to prepare single day data (minimum required columns).

I did some looped sorting where i first count number of rows and columns in pivot sheet (pivot is presorted from high to low in both rows and columns), and then sort them in a way below
rows = number of rows counted from file
columns = number counted from file
r,c - counters for loops (rows/columns)

Starts with

Effect isn't bad but far from perfect.

ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(r, 2), Cells(rows, columns)).Sort Key1:=Cells(r, 2), _
Order1:=xlAscending, _ 'Descending?
r = r - 1
Loop Until r = 4
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(5, c), Cells(rows, columns)).Sort Key1:=Cells(5, c), _
Order1:=xlAscending, _
c = c + 1
Loop Until c = columns + 1

12-13-2022, 04:41 AM
I'm really not sure what you want, so this is more in the way of an exploration. In the attached I've added 3 more columns to your DATA sheet, column D the count of different materials needed for each CO, and column E the quantity of material needed for that CO, then column F being the largest number of any single material for each CO (you might use this last for sorting).
I've used (some of) those values in the pivot table(s).
Getting close?