View Full Version : Fiter, Copy and Paste unique values in the next available row of another workbook

01-03-2023, 12:44 PM

I would like to ask you for help with my macro that I want to write. I tried to do it but I couldn't

I am trying to copy the values with conditions to the another worksheet but I got lost while writing a macros as I am pretty new to VBA programming.

Here is the some more detail of the macros that I would like to pull out,

I would like to copy the unique values(Column A contains unique values) from this file "Employee(copy).xlsm" to the last available row of "Employee(final).xlsx",
I would like to apply two conditions, 1) Column C > 01/05/2019(dd/mm/yyyy) 2) Column D = Nicolas and Charles

So whenever the data is added in the source file with the unique values(Column A) then code needs to copy and paste the data in the next available row of the target file but I don't wanna clear the values which is already in the target file every time and add the unique values but just add the new unique values in the next available row instead30422

Your help will be appreciated https://www.excelforum.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Thank you in Advance