View Full Version : Manage Word's Sections & Contents using TreeView

06-07-2023, 03:12 PM
Hello Experts

I have created a word template (Word64bit) and designed a userForm called “UpdateForm”.
I don’t have regular Module in my VBA code as all my codes are within the form itself.
Within the form, I have the following:

A button called "ScanSections"
A button called "DeleteSections"
A TreeView called "SectionTree".

When I press “ScanSections” button it scanned the entire document to retrieve sections names.
Specifically it looks for para.style = "Heading 1,PolHead1" Or para.style = "Heading 2,PolHead2" Or para.style = "PolHead3".
Represents matching results in “SectionTree” intended with respect to Hierarchy of each style

L1 under nodeL1
L2under nodeL2
L3 under nodeL3

All Nodes in the SectionTree are expanded and checkboxes are un-selected by default.


Here is my code for “ScanSections” button for you to consider:

Private Sub ScanSections_Click()
Dim doc As Document
Dim rng As Range
Dim para As Paragraph
Dim nodeL1 As node
Dim nodeL2 As node
Dim nodeL3 As node

' Get a reference to the active document
Set doc = ActiveDocument

' Clear the existing nodes in the TreeView

' Set the range to the entire document
Set rng = doc.Content

' Loop through each paragraph in the document
For Each para In rng.Paragraphs
' Check if the paragraph style matches any of the desired header styles
If para.style = "Heading 1,PolHead1" Or para.style = "Heading 2,PolHead2" Or para.style = "PolHead3" Then
' Determine the level of the heading
Select Case para.style
Case "Heading 1,PolHead1"
' Add Level 1 heading to the TreeView
Set nodeL1 = SectionTree.nodes.Add(, , , para.Range.Text)
' Disable the checkbox for Level 1 heading
SectionTree.nodes(nodeL1.Index).Checked = False
' Expand the Level 1 node
SectionTree.nodes(nodeL1.Index).Expanded = True
Case "Heading 2,PolHead2"
' Add Level 2 heading under the parent Level 1 heading
If Not nodeL1 Is Nothing Then
Set nodeL2 = SectionTree.nodes.Add(nodeL1.Index, tvwChild, , para.Range.Text)
' Enable the checkbox for Level 2 heading
SectionTree.nodes(nodeL2.Index).Checked = False
' Expand the Level 2 node
SectionTree.nodes(nodeL2.Index).Expanded = True
End If
Case "PolHead3"
' Add Level 3 heading under the parent Level 2 heading
If Not nodeL2 Is Nothing Then
Set nodeL3 = SectionTree.nodes.Add(nodeL2.Index, tvwChild, , para.Range.Text)
' Enable the checkbox for Level 3 heading
SectionTree.nodes(nodeL3.Index).Checked = False
' Expand the Level 3 node
SectionTree.nodes(nodeL3.Index).Expanded = True
End If
End Select
End If
Next para
End Sub

I need your assistance to give me the code for "DeleteSections" button, to do the following:

For each checked node within the " SectionTree", I want it to delete that header and its content from the document.
Give me a message displaying the name(s) of the deleted section successfully.
Refresh the “SectionTree”

Thanks a million in advanced

06-08-2023, 12:42 AM
Welcome to VBAX Khaled. Please be patient as a Word Guru should be along soon.