View Full Version : Could not find installable isam when connecting Excel 2016 to SharePoint 1016 lists

07-30-2023, 11:52 AM
I'm SO glad to have stumbled onto this forum. I have probably participated in years gone by, but it's been a while since I reached out to the Excel community for help because of some of the other solutions I've been tasked with.

My current client scenario has dictated an Excel solution, which I'm very happy about, but it is to update a SharePoint list from an Excel VBA routine. I'm using Excel 2016 and connecting to SharePoint 2016 Server on premises.

I've used the following code to create the connection:

conn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;WSS;IMEX=2;RetrieveIds=Yes;DATABASE=" _
& Range("SPSite") _
& "; list=" & Range("SPList") & ";"
'Debug.Print conn

With cnt
.ConnectionString = conn
End With

I've linked the [Active X Data Object 6.1] library as well as the [Recordset 6.0 library] references (Tools References)

Problem: I'm receiving that awkward "Could not find installable isam" error message mentioned earlier.

Has anyone actually found a true resolution to this problem yet?

I cannot upgrade to O365 because I'm forced to work with a resistant IT team who are adamant that they will NOT invest. (I'm not necessarily popular with them)

I have to craft a solution to update a SharePoint list from a synchronised list across the team, so I need to work with Vanilla flavour of everything where the only requirement is that the user has Excel 2016 installed (yet this is midway through 2023, not in the 19th century).

If I've successfully implemented this solution I'll post a complete article, stepping through the problem statement with the solution I've crafted and the troubleshooting steps to ensure it works.

Please help me solve the missing ISAM issue
