View Full Version : NOT SOLVED: Reverse column Order in Table

08-03-2023, 06:55 AM
This post was marked as SOLVED but it isn't, even though I made some minor headway. So I'm posting it again. I hope that's ok

Working in word 2013

I have received some Word tables that were mistakenly created with Table direction as Right-to-left. As soon as I change to Left-to-right, all of the columns get reversed - first column on the left becomes the last column on the right, etc.

I'm sure there's a relatively simple way to put all of the columns back where they belong using a macro, but so far I've had only partial success. Can someone help with this? Of course all of the column widths must be kept as is, and the formatting of the cell contents should remain unchanged as well.


08-04-2023, 04:51 AM
This could have easily been contained within the original thread. Please continue there.