View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Why doesn't the macro I created work on all of my sheets.

08-14-2023, 02:28 AM
I have an excel file which consists of 50 sheets. 49 of these sheets are identical to one another, although each of them have a different sheet name to the other. The first sheet is completely different to these other 49 sheets

First sheet information:
The first sheet is named “Acquirer Listings” and contains a list of acquirer listings. This sheet contains nine columns with their names (listed in quotes) and their column letters shown in the list below:
“URL” -Column A
“Name”-Column B
“Sheet Name”-Column C
“Profile”-Column D
“Category”-Column E
“Location”-Column F
“Stake”-Column G
“accredited”-Column H
“listed”-Column I
“Valuation Budget”-Column J

This sheet contains 49 rows of acquirer listings that showcase information about each acquirer with respect to each column.

Second sheet information:
This sheet was used as a blank template that would be duplicated to create the remaining 48 sheets.
This sheet contains a table of acquirer preferences from cell Q2:T10. These preferences are made up of four categories (“Category” in column Q, “Valuation Budget” in column R, “Location” in column S, “Stake” in column T). Each of these categories offer a selection of options in the following format:


Valuation Budget:



Other sheet information (third sheet onwards):
These sheets are each named after an Acquirer within the “Acquirer Listings” sheet. For example, an acquirer with the sheet name “Acquirer2” will have their own sheet with the sheet name “Acquirer2”

The other sheets each contain a table of acquirer preferences from cell Q2:T10. These preferences are made up of four categories (“Category” in column Q, “Valuation Budget” in column R, “Location” in column S, “Stake” in column T). Each of these categories offer a selection of options in the following format:


Valuation Budget:



Based on the information listed within the columns for each acquirer in the “Acquirer Listings” sheet, I have used Excel VBA to write a macro which will highlight the relevant options within each respective acquirer preferences table that is exist within each acquirers sheets.

This macro analyses the “Acquirer Listings” sheet and locate the “sheet names” column to determine which excel sheet the succeeding information should be highlighted within. Afterwards, the macro analyses the matching column headings within the “Acquirer Listings” sheet and the other sheets named after respective acquirers to determine which options should be highlighted within each individual acquirers preferences table.

For example, imagine that there is an acquirer listed in the “Acquirer Listings“ sheet that has “Acquirer5” within its “sheet name” column, “SaaS Marketplace” within its “Category” column, “AMER” within its “Location” column, “Full Majority Minority” within its “Stake” column, and “$100,000” within its “Valuation Budget” column. This macro opens the sheet named “Acquirer5” and highlights the cells which read “SaaS” and “Marketplace” under the “Category” column, highlights the cell which reads “AMER” under the “Location” column, highlights the cells which read “Full”, “Majority” and “Minority” under the “Stake” column, and highlights the cell which reads “$100,000” under the “Valuation Budget” column.

For another example, imagine that there is an acquirer listed in the “Acquirer Listings“ sheet that has “Acquirer9” within its “sheet name” column, “SaaS eCommerce Mobile Content Fintech Marketplace Web3 Agency” within its “Category” column, “EMEA AMER APAC” within its “Location” column, “Full Majority Minority” within its “Stake” column, and “$100,000” within its “Valuation Budget” column. This macro opens the sheet named “Acquirer9” and highlights the cells which read “SaaS”, “Marketplace” “eCommerce”, “Mobile”, “Content”, “Fintech”, “Marketplace”, “Web3” and “Agency” under the “Category” column, highlights the cells which read “AMER”, “EMEA” and “APAC” under the “Location” column, highlights the cells which read “Full”, “Majority” and “Minority” under the “Stake” column, and highlights the cell which reads “$100,000” under the “Valuation Budget” column.

Whenever I run this macro it carries out these tasks perfectly for there columns named “Valuation Budget” in column R, “Location” in column S, “Stake” in column T within each respective acquirer preferences table that is exist within each acquirers sheets.

However, for the “Category” in column Q of these preferences tables, the macro either only correctly highlights the relevant options within this column for SOME acquirer preferences tables or does not highlight any options at all for the other acquirer preferences tables.

Attached to this thread is an example file that showcases this issue.

Please help me correct the VBA code for this macro (it is in the text below this request to ensure that ) or identify the issue within the acquirer sheets that it does not work for, to ensure that the macro will only correctly highlight the relevant options within “Category” column heading in column Q for ALL acquirer preferences tables. The column heading (“Category”) is within cell Q2 and all the options in this column are within the cell range Q3:Q10.

The VBA code is as follows:

Sub HighlightPreferences()
Dim wsListings As Worksheet
Dim acquirerRow As Long, prefRow As Long
Dim acquirerName As String
Dim categoryStr As String, locationStr As String, stakeStr As String, budgetStr As String
Dim categoryArr() As String, locationArr() As String, stakeArr() As String, budgetArr() As String
Dim acquirerSheet As Worksheet

' Set the main "Acquirer Listings" sheet
Set wsListings = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Acquirer Listings")

' Loop through each row in "Acquirer Listings" sheet
For acquirerRow = 2 To wsListings.Cells(wsListings.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
' Get acquirer's sheet name
acquirerName = wsListings.Cells(acquirerRow, "C").Value

' Check if the acquirer's sheet exists
If SheetExists(acquirerName) Then
' Set the acquirer's sheet
Set acquirerSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(acquirerName)

' Get preferences from the "Acquirer Listings" sheet
categoryStr = wsListings.Cells(acquirerRow, "E").Value
locationStr = wsListings.Cells(acquirerRow, "F").Value
stakeStr = wsListings.Cells(acquirerRow, "G").Value
budgetStr = wsListings.Cells(acquirerRow, "J").Value

' Split preference strings into arrays
categoryArr = Split(categoryStr, " ")
locationArr = Split(locationStr, " ")
stakeArr = Split(stakeStr, " ")
budgetArr = Split(budgetStr, " ")

' Loop through each preference and highlight in the acquirer's sheet
For prefRow = 2 To 10 ' Assuming preferences start from row 2
If Not IsEmpty(acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "Q").Value) Then
If IsInArray(acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "Q").Value, categoryArr) Then
acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "Q").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) ' Yellow
End If
End If

If Not IsEmpty(acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "R").Value) Then
If IsInArray(acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "R").Value, budgetArr) Then
acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "R").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) ' Yellow
End If
End If

If Not IsEmpty(acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "S").Value) Then
If IsInArray(acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "S").Value, locationArr) Then
acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "S").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) ' Yellow
End If
End If

If Not IsEmpty(acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "T").Value) Then
If IsInArray(acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "T").Value, stakeArr) Then
acquirerSheet.Cells(prefRow, "T").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) ' Yellow
End If
End If
Next prefRow
End If
Next acquirerRow
End Sub

Function SheetExists(sheetName As String) As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName)
On Error GoTo 0
SheetExists = Not ws Is Nothing
End Function

Function IsInArray(value As String, arr() As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If arr(i) = value Then
IsInArray = True
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function

08-14-2023, 02:49 AM
Your code is splitting on a normal space (character code 32) but the text in your col E is delimited by non-breaking spaces (character code 160) so your array is just one item, and there are no matches for that.

08-14-2023, 03:44 AM
the text in your col E is delimited by non-breaking spaces (character code 160)Yes! and sometimes a mixture of that and normal spaces (Acquirer3).
A clue, somewhere:

categoryStr = Replace(categoryStr, Chr(160), " ")

ps. always a good idea to thank people for their previous help just after you've posted wanting more help.

08-14-2023, 08:37 AM
I see, thank you for replying, will change my code to account for this.

08-14-2023, 08:40 AM
Thank you for your response! I really do appreciate your advice on this thread and the last. Taking into account what you have taught me, I have made the relevant changes to the VBA code and the macro now works as intended.