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View Full Version : Need Help Converting a JSON file to new format

10-19-2023, 07:50 AM

Need a little help as I have about 90 Json files i need to extract information from to a new format. On the example is a portion of a sample Json file that I am using. The expected outcome page is how the information should look after the reformat. On the Json file the only information I'm looking to grab is the Name, Value and the Machines associated with those two values. If no machines are listed, it would just be blank as row 1 on the expected outcome sheet shows. Any help is greatly appreciated.31120

10-21-2023, 06:59 AM
You have ~90 JSON files

Q1. In same folder?
Q2. Do you want to do all of them at once?
Q3. Where do you want the 'filtered' data to go: into a new sheet in each workbook? On a 'master' list with all ~90 results on one sheet?

10-21-2023, 03:44 PM
Have you had a look here. https://www.gigasheet.com/post/import-json-to-excel