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View Full Version : Toggle Conversation View programatically

11-10-2023, 12:51 PM
I'd like to toggle conversation view in Outlook 365 programatically. The closest I can find is Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.ExecuteMso("ShowInConversations"), but that prompts the user with "this folder" or "all mailboxes" -- I'd like it to be immediate without any user prompt. Is this possible?

11-11-2023, 12:36 AM
Does this do what you want? https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/view-email-messages-by-conversation-0eeec76c-f59b-4834-98e6-05cfdfa9fb07

11-11-2023, 09:51 AM
I'm trying to do it with VBA code, not the user interface. Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.ExecuteMso("ShowInConversations") is close, but I'm trying to skip the user prompt so it can happen automatically.