View Full Version : Will the real Active Window please stand up ...

02-22-2006, 05:28 PM
I am running Office 2000. I am trying to position a form in the lower left corner of the active window. It would seem that setting the top of the form to the height of the window - the height of the form and the left edge of the form to, say, 10 would work.

But the problem is that I tend to place the Windows toolbar/taskbar on the left side of the screen (vs default along the bottom) and some applications get a bit confused. Word displays correctly, i.e., the display window is positioned to fill up the available screen, but when you work with ActiveWindow, it thinks the left edge of the window is all the way to the left edge of the absolute screen. So the target form is partially hidden by the Windows taskbar. I can adjust the left side of the target form to compensate for that, but should I put the taskbar back to the bottom, then the form position is incorrect.

Any suggestions?

02-22-2006, 05:42 PM
Uhh. Yes. Share whatever it is you are taking at night to come up with such interesting dilemmas!

What if your taskboar is set to autohide? What happens then? I am just wondering if you are going to be able to capture the "available" left side corner, as opposed to the other...

You may to sink class the actual application in order to get the Windows size of the parent window....not sure though....