View Full Version : Ending a form

Daxton A.
02-28-2006, 12:21 PM
What I'm trying to do is to end a form but not end the program. Now, I know about hiding a form but, that's not what I need from Excel. What I have is two forms. First the original form pops up and whenever the user selects a certain row then the second form pulls up with the option to go back to the original form after you are finished using the second form. Now, I have the .Hide property originally used but that gives me problems when I go back to the form. I tried the visible property but it says that access is restricted. Can some help be provided?


02-28-2006, 01:21 PM
Try "Unload UserForm1"

02-28-2006, 03:39 PM
you could try...

unload form1
set form1 = nothing

this will completely kill the instance of form1...so if u use


after the above mentioned...it will show form1 is as it coded in its form_activate event...

regards Asingh