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View Full Version : Gathering and formatting data from worksheet

03-08-2006, 06:19 AM
How would I strip data from one worksheet befor it goes into another. For example if sheet1 had in colum h row 1 the value of 185/5 and I wanted to put that in sheet2 colum g row 2 as 185 how would I do that. Also in respect with that I am trying to get data from one worksheet based on the info in another. For example if sheet2 c:3 was 2 and f:3 was 4 then it would goto sheet1 colum b and find the numbers 2 and 4. When it found them it would then take the value of colums a and g (stripping of anything after the / as mentioned above) and post it in sheet 2 coulms d and e, and g and h repectfully. See attached workbook. Sheet2 rows 4 and 5 shows what the rows 1 and 2 should look like as the end result.

03-08-2006, 11:24 AM
Guess i just needed to write it all down. Used vlookup and txt to colum