View Full Version : Excel Subtotal Function in Access Reports??

03-17-2006, 06:17 PM
For those of you partial to a bit of excel, you may be aware of the subtotal function you can apply to a range of data. You have options for COUNT, SUM etc and you can specify which columns to apply them to.

Is it possible to replicate this effect on an access report??

I'm total access newbie, but have a basic grasp of queries and report design. I've kinda put a report together but it's not quite there. I'd like the report to insert a sub total for three fields at every change in Vendor.

Is this possible kind folks??

03-19-2006, 08:10 AM
You would do a group by query as your source data for the report/form. Group by the items you want displayed, and specify count, sum, avg..whatever you want for your values...

03-19-2006, 11:55 AM

Do you need to show just the summary results in your report, or do you want to show all the detail and then insert subtotals at particular breaks in the data?

Pete's suggestion does quite well for the former; for the latter, set up your query without the GROUP BY clause, and then go into the Report Wizard. The Wizard will ask if you want to group on any levels in organizing the report; choose the fields to group on there, and then click on Summary Options to pick the summary stats you need (sum, count, avg, etc.).

03-24-2006, 07:32 AM
Pete / Patrick, Hi and thanks guys!

do you want to show all the detail and then insert subtotals at particular breaks in the data?

Yes Patrick, that is exactly what I wish to achieve. I shall have a bash at your kind suggestions then report back.

Once again, thanks for the input.