View Full Version : Solved: Problem with mailmerge word 2002

04-18-2006, 03:16 PM
My word 2002 is starting to act up. I've been using mailmerge for about a year now without problems. Now, when I try to merge a Microsoft Word document with a .txt datasource, I get a message that Word can no longer find the datasource. When I try to recreate the datasource, I get a new list of mergefields named AutoMergeField, AutoMergeField1, AutoMergeField2 ...... instead of FirstName, Last Name, Adress1, ..... as in the titles/labels in the .txt datasource. The data in the Automergefields are correct, but I cannot change the names of these fields, and I cannot get Word to read the "headlines".
I've tried to copy the content of the .txt file into a new file and use that file as datasource, but that doesn't work.
I do not have excel on my computer so I can not use that as a source.
But Why has it suddenly stopped working. I haven't changed anything, except maybe auto-updating Word (I'm not sure, since it automatically does that) But it ought to work anyhow.
I have heard from a few others, that I'm not the only one with this problem, but noone has found a solution.

Can this be fixed? And how?

04-19-2006, 01:52 AM
AutoMergeField names are (or were) used when the datasource was Excel and there weren't any column headings, or Word couldn't determine what they were. It rather sounds like you may have some other problem, possibly some sort of corruption somewhere. Do you still have the problem if you create a completely new mail merge document using the same datasource? Or using a new (recreated) datasource?

04-19-2006, 10:56 AM
Yes, I have the same problem no matter what I do. I have tried the things you suggest and I have even tried to uninstall / reinstall word 2002. No luck. :(

04-27-2006, 11:15 PM
I guess I didn't try all the options. Because I tried to open a new document using the mergeletter template, using my datasource as source. That worked.
I then tried to merge a letter from my application (the one that didn't work). Now it works.
So there was a "corruption" somewhere in the system that needed to be "uncorrupted".
Thankyou for your suggestions.


04-28-2006, 08:26 AM
Glad you're sorted. Thanks for coming back.