View Full Version : Solved: Form to display issues

05-01-2006, 04:30 AM
I need to build a database which stores issues raised at an OH & S Meeting. Since some issues will be quite descriptive ( possible 3 or 4 hundred words) in length. At some stage in the future I'd like to be able to simply select the Issue number from a drop down list, which is accompanied by a one line heading per issue. Then when the actual issue is selected, a window pops up with the issue in full view.

Dummy data for anyone to use.
Pesonnel: Aussiebear1, Aussiebear2, Aussiebear3
IssueNo: 1,2,3,4.
Issue: On Monday morning Aussiebear1 was run over by a feed truck while wandering down the roadway, (whilst reading a VBA book). On Tuesday afternoon, Aussiebear2 suffered burns to fingers whilst getting a slice of bread out of the toaster. On Wednesday lunchtime, Aussiebear3 managed to self inject some growth promotant when checking the operation of the drench guns. On Friday, Aussiebear1 was checking the top of the grain silo's when a butterfly drifted past.... and he fell off. (Witnesses said it looked a perfect bounce but could he do it again please so they could make sure.)
Headings: Run over by feed truck, Burnt fingers, self injection, grain silo fall

Sure was a good week.


05-01-2006, 05:13 AM
I'm grateful you've been able to correspond from your hospital bed, but was there a question here? :confused3

05-01-2006, 05:20 AM
Hi Geek, US bears bounce back from minor incidents such as there very easily, but thanks for being a caring sharing person.... Yep there is. How do I get this ifno to display on my form, so that when I scroll through the issue numbers, which are accompanied by a linked heading, to display the full issue in a new window, when I settle on an issue number

05-01-2006, 07:08 AM
Just use a combo box after update procedure to open a new form or subform (that displays the data you want), if it is a new form use the link criteria version of "docmd.openfrom".