View Full Version : Solved: VB6 FileSearch

05-15-2006, 02:22 PM
Hi All,
Is there a VB6 equivalent to VBA FileSearch? I'm trying to adapt the following code to check a multi-card reader for jpg files.

Sub Searches()
Dim fs, drv, d, i As Long
drv = Array("F:\", "H:\", "I:\", "J:\", "K:\", "L:\")
Set fs = Application.FileSearch
For Each d In drv
With fs
.LookIn = d
.SearchSubFolders = True
.FileName = "*.jpg"
If .Execute() > 0 Then
MsgBox "There were " & .FoundFiles.Count & _
" file(s) found."
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
MsgBox .FoundFiles(i)
Next i
MsgBox "There were no files found."
End If
End With
End Sub

05-16-2006, 08:26 AM
Hey Malcolm,

No direct equivalent, but you can still search for the files easy enough:'see code belowMatt

05-17-2006, 11:30 AM
After thinking a little bit about this, if you like being able to set the properties and everything, it really wouldn't be too much work making a class module for this, so you can use it pretty much the same way. I'm sure if you hunted around at freevbcode.com you could probably find an already made one too.
Just a thought

05-17-2006, 12:12 PM
Thanks Matt,
I'll take this to work and give it a try.

06-06-2006, 03:01 PM
Hi Matt,
Finally I got round to implementing this and it works fine; especially after I changed my Option Base 1 to Base 0

06-07-2006, 05:25 AM
Good to hear.. what were you using option base 1 for anyways? :)

I actually modified this a little bit to search for anything (not just jpg) for use in something I did a couple days ago, so I've updated the above code and included the option base 0.
For what it is worth, heres what you'd need to change to keep option base 1:'see code belowMatt

06-07-2006, 01:34 PM
Thanks Matt.
For anyone else following this thread, Matt's code can combine with =Johnske's here http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8312 to automate importing and handling of photo cards in a multi card reader

06-08-2006, 05:15 AM
Interesting thread there.. I would also go with WMI, but as long as it works for you theres no problem!
Again for what it is worth, I re-wrote the file search again so it works regardless of what the option base is set at. Had to add a function to find it too, wasn't sure how the best way to do that was, so if you know of a better way than I'm using please let me know!Sub ExampleSub()
Dim drv(), d, FileList() As String, i As Long
drv = Array("F:\", "H:\", "I:\", "J:\", "K:\", "L:\")
ReDim FileList(GetOptionBase)
For Each d In drv
vFileSearch d, FileList ', "jpg"
If Len(FileList(LBound(FileList))) > 0 Then 'make sure at least one file
Debug.Print "Total files found: " & CStr(UBound(FileList) - LBound(FileList) + 1)
For i = LBound(FileList) To UBound(FileList)
Debug.Print FileList(i)
End If
End Sub
Function vFileSearch(ByVal vPath As String, ByRef vsArray() As String, _
Optional ByVal vExt As String = "*") As Boolean
Dim tempStr As String, vDirs() As String, Cnt As Long, dirCnt As Long
If Len(vsArray(LBound(vsArray))) = 0 Then
Cnt = LBound(vsArray)
Cnt = UBound(vsArray) + 1
End If
If Right(vPath, 1) <> "\" Then vPath = vPath & "\"
On Error Resume Next 'in case no 'read' rights to directory
tempStr = Dir(vPath & "*.", vbDirectory)
On Error GoTo 0
dirCnt = LBound(vsArray)
Do Until Len(tempStr) = 0
If Left(tempStr, 1) <> "." Then
ReDim Preserve vDirs(dirCnt)
vDirs(dirCnt) = tempStr
dirCnt = dirCnt + 1
End If
tempStr = Dir
On Error Resume Next 'in case no 'read' rights to directory
tempStr = Dir(vPath & "*." & vExt)
On Error GoTo 0
Do Until Len(tempStr) = 0
ReDim Preserve vsArray(Cnt)
vsArray(Cnt) = vPath & tempStr
Cnt = Cnt + 1
tempStr = Dir
If dirCnt > LBound(vsArray) Then
For dirCnt = LBound(vDirs) To UBound(vDirs)
If Len(Dir(vPath & vDirs(dirCnt))) = 0 Then
vFileSearch vPath & vDirs(dirCnt), vsArray, vExt
End If
End If
End Function
Function GetOptionBase() As Long
Dim TempArray(1) As Long
GetOptionBase = LBound(TempArray)
End FunctionMatt