View Full Version : Solved: can't update Memo field in Replica

07-07-2006, 10:55 AM
I am working with a replicated databse. When I try to update the memo it fails throwing error 3188. Project is currently locked on this machine. I think it has something to do with the .ldb file that opens when you access the replica. Anyone know how to temporarily disable it with VBA then re-enable it when the update is complete? I know it kind of defeats the purpose of the ldb file... but some hacker out there is bound to know how to get around it... so why shouldn't I.

07-10-2006, 12:54 PM
This was solved... I inserted

records.Fields("Memo").Value= strMemo
between the records.Edit and the records.Update. No more problems..

09-15-2006, 12:41 PM
Ok, for those who noticed my Emergency Synchronization post.... This is a result of that. When we synchronized the programs to update the forms and table designs. All the backend data and structure were updated. The front end was not though. I tried creating a replica of the design master and then basiclly all the buttons broke.

The code is the same, but I am getting this error again. And what do you know it is in the same place. Any ideas?

09-15-2006, 12:46 PM
Private Function BuildMemoField(ByVal PropertyID As String) As String
On Error GoTo Err_buildMemoField
Dim dbs As Database, qdf As QueryDef, strSQL As String
Dim qry1, qry2 As Boolean
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT PropertyID, PropertyNumber, NoteDate, entryType, RER, Contacts, Memo " & _
"From tblPropertiesUpdates " & _
"WHERE (((tblPropertiesUpdates.PropertyID) =" & PropertyID & ")) " & _

Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef("qryUpdateMemo", strSQL)
Dim strMemo As String
Dim records As Recordset
Set records = qdf.OpenRecordset
Do Until records.EOF
'FieldType (records.Fields("Memo").Type)
strMemo = strMemo & CStr(records.Fields("NoteDate").Value) & ": "
strMemo = strMemo & CStr(records.Fields("entryType").Value) & "; "
strMemo = strMemo & CStr(records.Fields("RER").Value)
If IsNull(records.Fields("Contacts")) Then
strMemo = strMemo & vbNewLine & " " & CStr(records.Fields("Memo").Value) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
strMemo = strMemo & "- " & CStr(records.Fields("Contacts").Value) & vbNewLine
strMemo = strMemo & " " & CStr(records.Fields("Memo").Value) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
End If
Set records = Nothing
BuildMemoField = strMemo
'MsgBox Len(strMemo), vbInformation, "Length of Memo"
dbs.QueryDefs.Delete "qryUpdateMemo"
Set qdf = Nothing
qry1 = True
strSQL = "SELECT * From tblProperties WHERE tblProperties.ID = " & PropertyID
Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef("qryUpdatePropMemo", strSQL)
Dim rst As Recordset
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset
rst.Fields("Memo") = strMemo
dbs.QueryDefs.Delete "qryUpdatePropMemo"
qry2 = False
Set qdf = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
Set records = Nothing
MsgBox Err.Description & ": " & Err.Number
If Not qry1 Then
dbs.QueryDefs.Delete "qryUpdateMemo"
ElseIf Not qry2 Then
dbs.QueryDefs.Delete "qryUpdatePropMemo"
Else: Exit Function
End If
End Function

This is the function that it breaks on if it helps any.

09-26-2006, 09:49 AM
Well the SQL yielded the same result even after I tried forcing the update with RunSQL (Update.....).... so I guess I'm still at a loss why the session lock occurrs.