View Full Version : Add Clear button to Userform

07-22-2006, 03:34 AM
Here's one for fumei,

You recently advised on how best to add a 'Click to Clear" button to my userform.

I obviously misunderstood because it hasn't worked.

The code is included below so that you can see what I have done wrong.

Sorry to be such a nuisance. Your help is appreciated.


Option Explicit
Private Sub ClickToFinish_Click()
Dim varCheck
varCheck = IsNumeric(txtAmount.Text)
If varCheck = True Then
Call FillABookmark("Amount", txtAmount.Text)
MsgBox "Amount does not appear to be properly numeric. " & _
"Please re-enter."
txtAmount.Text = ""
Exit Sub
End If
varCheck = IsNumeric(txtRate.Text)
If varCheck <> True Then ' is NOT numeric
If txtRate.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Interest rate is blank. Please input a numeric entry."
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Interest is not numeric. Please input a numeric entry."
txtRate.Text = ""
Exit Sub
End If
Else ' it IS numeric
Call FillABookmark("Rate", txtRate.Text)
Call FillABookmark("CostsOnClaim", txtCostsOnClaim.Text)
Call FillABookmark("EntryCosts", txtEntryCosts.Text)
Call FillABookmark("MoniesPaid", txtMoniesPaid.Text)
End If
Call FillABookmark("StartDate", txtStartDate.Text)
Call FillABookmark("EndDate", txtEndDate.Text)
Call FillABookmark("NumDays", DateDiff("d", txtStartDate, txtEndDate))
Call FillABookmark("DailyRate", FormatCurrency((CLng(txtAmount) * CLng(txtRate) / 100) / 365))
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CostsOnClaim_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Label3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
End Sub

Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim oBM As Word.Bookmarks
Set oBM = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
If oBM("Amount").Range.Text <> "" Then
Me.txtAmount.Text = oBM("Amount").Range.Text
End If
If oBM("Rate").Range.Text <> "" Then
Me.txtRate.Text = oBM("Rate").Range.Text
End If
If oBM("StartDate").Range.Text <> "" Then
Me.txtStartDate.Text = oBM("StartDate").Range.Text
End If
If oBM("EndDate").Range.Text <> "" Then
Me.txtEndDate.Text = oBM("EndDate").Range.Text
End If
If oBM("CostsOnClaim").Range.Text <> "" Then
Me.txtCostsOnClaim.Text = oBM("CostsOnClaim").Range.Text
End If
If oBM("EntryCosts").Range.Text <> "" Then
Me.txtEntryCosts.Text = oBM("EntryCosts").Range.Text
End If
If oBM("MoniesPaid").Range.Text <> "" Then
Me.txtMoniesPaid.Text = oBM("MoniesPaid").Range.Text
End If
Set oBM = Nothing

End Sub

Sub Clear_Click()
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then
Me.Controls(ctl.Name).Text = ""
ElseIf TypeOf ctl Is CheckBox Then
Me.Controls(ctl.Name).Value = False
ElseIf TypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then
Me.Controls(ctl.Name).ListIndex = 0
End If
End Sub

07-22-2006, 05:09 AM

How hasn't it worked?

07-22-2006, 01:39 PM
Which is something, AGAIN Greg, that I have advised you to NOT do in your posts. "hasn't worked" means nothing.

NOTHING Greg. Please stop doing that. You have good questions, and I can see that you are working hard at this. But we are not mind readers. Please have some respect for that.

"hasn't worked". If you got just that....would YOU know what it meant? Hmmmmm? I don't think so.

So it makes it literally impossible for me to respond. However, I think it is probably the checkboxes. But....who knows?

07-22-2006, 07:57 PM
You're right, it doesn't help so let me try again.

I press my "Data Form" menu button to bring up my form. Then, after entering my data, I click "Finish" to produce the desired result on my Word document.

Likewise, if I press the "More Data" button, I am able to bring up a second form to enter additional data, although, as this is a work in progress, there is nothing in that other form yet.

However, when I press the "Clear" button there is absolutely no response. That is, the button gets depressed but the data in the form remains intact and unaltered.

I tried culling some of the redundant code (at least I thought it was) but I still didn't get a response, so I put the code back in.

Now, I am too weary to give the thing my full concentration.

As I am trying to master this stuff I don't want you to do it for me but you might offer a suggestion or two and I'll then try to solve the problem by a process of elimination.

If, as I suspect, you still require more information, I'll do what I can.

By way of general comment, I have found the MS site to be helpful but I feel that it would be much better if it offered more real world scenarios that people like me could draw from.

For example, I would have thougt that this "Clear Form" function would be common and yet I can find no mention of it anywhere. Perhaps I was looking in the wrong place.


07-22-2006, 09:29 PM
Take a look at the attached. It is using the same code. If it works for you...and it should...then you changed something in your code.

I hope we are not having a serious miscommunication.
That is, the button gets depressed but the data in the form remains intact and unaltered.
If you mean the data in the document...no, it does not affect the document whatsoever. It affects the userform, and only the userform.

If what you are asking is something to clear out the stuff in the bookmarks, in the document, then that is something else.

10-01-2006, 06:53 AM
I have used this in my forms in the past. Hope it helps.

ThisDocument.Unprotect 'Unprotect the document.
Selection.WholeStory 'Selects all forms in the document.
Selection.Fields.Update 'Updates all selected fields (returns values to "")
ActiveDocument.Protect Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields 'Reprotects the document

10-01-2006, 07:07 PM
Depending on version, you can also use:ActiveDocument.Protect Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, NoReSet:=FalseHowever, I am not sure what the issue is still.

Clearing the userform, or clearing the document form.