View Full Version : Fill in form affects the document layout

07-26-2006, 11:45 AM
I have a problem with a fill in document.
I created on the same line 2 formfields.
When a user keys in information in the left field, the right formfield on the same line is moved right.
Is there a way to avoid this ?
Can the second field on the same line be "blocked" at the begin-position where i defined it ?

Thanks for any reply

07-26-2006, 01:56 PM
The simple answer is...no. Word is a word processor. So just like when you add text anywhere, adding text to a formfield takes up character space. Everything after it moved along by the number of characters inserted.

Technically speaking, when you out the text in formfield1 and it moves formfield2 along, it is NOT changing the layout. The layout is precisely the same. The elements of the layout have not been altered.

Would you say changing:

"This is a sentence of some text that I have typed."


"This is a sentence of some text that I have recently typed."

is a change of layout? No, it is not. I just added some text into an element (the sentence).

You can consider putting them in a table.

07-27-2006, 02:59 AM
Thanks for your answer.
I putted it in a table and now it works fine.

Kind regards

07-27-2006, 03:37 PM
I think one of the main uses of tables in Word is, in fact, to keep layout. For example, I rarely use columns as they are a pain. Tables with no borders work better in most cases.