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View Full Version : Treeview & Multipage = odd behavior

08-14-2006, 09:07 AM
Hi everybody,

I just discovered this forum and it looks promising, so I just gonna throw my problem into the arena and see if there somebody who could help me ;)

My Problem is, that I use the Multipage Control (The one from the Forms 2.0, not the SSTab to avoid any misunderstanding) together with the TreeView control. But the nodes of the treeview always loose there current settings, if I switch pages (e.g. the bold or checked setting). Is there anyway to prevent this, or should I not even use the multipage control at all, is there a better version out there? Thanks a lot in advance!!

Bob Phillips
08-14-2006, 09:24 AM
Can you post an example of what you have so far?

08-14-2006, 09:31 AM
Hi BigBenJam
Welcome to VBAX
To post a workbook, use Manage Attachments in the Go Advanced section.

08-14-2006, 10:27 AM
Thx for the warm welcome and fast response!

Here is a sample workbook to illustrate my problems with the multipage, just click the button and the then switch to page2 and back to page1, then you'll see what upsets me ;)

Thx again!