View Full Version : How to retrieve data from web form and import it into a macro automatically?

08-24-2006, 11:00 AM

firstly I would like to thank you for reading my question. I'm not a profi in programming in Excel, so if there is any mistake in my question, please let me know, thanks.

I have a webpage with a form, where user can enter their login info and a location number.

- Based on these information I would like the location number to be fed into a Macro, when the user was authorized. The Macro then extract required information and give it back as txt-file ( this Macro is already written).
- The result txt-file need to be convert to an excel file and be availabe on web for downloading.
- -> All of this process must be automatically done. <--

My question is, which language (VBA, PHP, Perl,...) should I use to do the work and how can I do it?

I appriciate all your answers.

Thank you very much.

08-24-2006, 12:11 PM
This has been double posted:
It was also posted in Integration/Automation of Office Applications Help forum which is probably the right place for it.

08-24-2006, 12:31 PM

It has also been cross posted, at MrExcel and OzGrid.

Sorry I don't have time to post the links.

08-24-2006, 01:03 PM
Thanks Norie,
ceevicee Please Click here for an explanation of cross-posting


08-24-2006, 04:32 PM
I'm sorry for posting the same topic at many places. Because I was hurry to look for the answers and didn't even known that it breaks our rules.
I'll be careful in further post. Sorry.

08-24-2006, 06:35 PM
No need to apologize if you didn't know but we will appreciate your understanding. Hope you find your answer here..