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View Full Version : Solved: While mouse cursor on top of A1 cell...

Erdin? E. Ka
09-30-2006, 08:04 AM

I would like to change A1 cell's Interior.ColorIndex to red color and A1's font format to Italic, while mouse cursor on top of A1 cell.

Can i do it with a VBA code? :dunno

Thanks a lot. :help

For example:

Sub CursorOnA1()
If MouseCursor OnTopOf [A1] Then
With [A1]
.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Font.Italic = True
End If
End If
End Sub

Jacob Hilderbrand
09-30-2006, 08:42 AM
You can do that when the cell is selected, but not on a mouseover.

Erdin? E. Ka
09-30-2006, 08:45 AM
Ok, thank you very much. :yes

Ivan F Moala
09-30-2006, 06:48 PM
you "Can do" this via Win API's, ....

Ivan F Moala
09-30-2006, 06:59 PM
sorry.... see our post here


09-30-2006, 08:11 PM
Well done, Ivan :thumb

Jacob Hilderbrand
09-30-2006, 08:48 PM
Nice :thumb

Erdin? E. Ka
09-30-2006, 08:49 PM
Hi there,

Dear DRJ, i want to thank you for all. And please excuse me for my wonder, i said you it's ok but, then i can't stopped my wonder about it. :dunno
Especially after when i saw a code about treeview sample. In that code, while i move the cursor on an UserForm, X and Y values calculating on the caption of the UserForm. I said that, if this can be, so why not for a Cell?

So, thank you very much for answering and show interest in to my question. :)

And Dear Ivan F Moala,
I can't beileve my eyes. API is unbelievable. Its works perfect.:p

One of my friend asked me a question about same matter in T?rkiye. Can i share that code (together giving your name) with my other friends on internet?:friends:

Best regards...

Ivan F Moala
10-02-2006, 11:54 PM
Hi there,

Dear DRJ, i want to thank you for all. And please excuse me for my wonder, i said you it's ok but, then i can't stopped my wonder about it. :dunno
Especially after when i saw a code about treeview sample. In that code, while i move the cursor on an UserForm, X and Y values calculating on the caption of the UserForm. I said that, if this can be, so why not for a Cell?

So, thank you very much for answering and show interest in to my question. :)

And Dear Ivan F Moala,
I can't beileve my eyes. API is unbelievable. Its works perfect.:p

One of my friend asked me a question about same matter in T?rkiye. Can i share that code (together giving your name) with my other friends on internet?:friends:

Best regards...

Hi Erdin? E. Ka

Yes of course you can, I have a number of friends on T?rkiye boards I visit.
Raider & Jale

Erdin? E. Ka
10-03-2006, 01:48 AM
Hi Ivan F Moala, I am already on T?rkiye Board and i saw your membership.

I know Raider and Jale's names but i don't meet them, also they aren't visiting T?rkiye Board since 1 year.

Anyway, thank you again to your kindly help.:hi: