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View Full Version : Solved: Help with concatenate

10-25-2006, 03:02 PM
I use the concatenate command to connect 7 cells of data while inserting some text along the way...which potentially results in a long string of text.

Is there anyway to insert a Carriage Return/Line Feed or have it word wrap to get the desired look?

Also, is it possible to have part of the field "bold" based on keywords.


{=concatenate(A1,"/Section 1/",B1,"/Section 2/", C1,"/Section 3/" D1,"/Section 4/",
E1,"/Section 5/", F1,"/Section 6/", G1)}

It would be great if I could bold A1 and word wrap at D1.

Any ideas?


Bob Phillips
10-25-2006, 03:07 PM
=CONCATENATE(A1,"/Section 1/",B1,"/Section 2/", C1,"/Section 3/",CHAR(10),D1,"/Section 4/", E1,"/Section 5/", F1,"/Section 6/", G1)

can't do the bold though

10-25-2006, 03:15 PM
No bold eh...I guess I live without it...thanks for the CHAR(10) though...I'll give it a shot.