This one has me. I am doing a copy from this web site. Under the heading DAILY PRICING.

Up comes the stock symbols that I do a copy and then a past into a Excel ss.
The symbols go in COLUMN A. In COLUMN B I TYPE in some of the same symbols from COLUMN A. What I am trying to do is to match the symbols in column B with the symbols in COLUMN A. This is the formula I received from one of the tech at this site. =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(B1,$A$1:$A$10,FALSE)),"NO","YES").
Here is the funny part of this. If I OVERTYPE all the symbols in COLUMN A then
the formula will work. I have tried everything I know to solve the problem. Can
anyone help. If there were just a few stock symbols in COLUMN A it would be no
big deal but there are 560 of them to OVERTYPE. Why does the formula not reconize the symbols in column A until I OVERTYPE THEM. Thanks for any help