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Thread: Consolidating data from multiple workbooks grouped by first column

  1. #1

    Consolidating data from multiple workbooks grouped by first column

    Hi all,

    I have the following code that consolidates data from individual sheets from a workbook into a summary sheet. In each sheet, column A contains a daily date field and column B contains the values associated for those dates, the data is consolidated in the summary sheet by date field placed in the first column of the summary sheet.


    [VBA]Option Explicit
    Sub Consolidate()
    Dim tgt As Range, Source As Range, CkRange As Range, Cel As Range
    Dim Rw As Long, i As Long, Dt As Range
    Dim c As Range
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    'Loop through each sheet after first
    For i = 2 To Sheets.Count
    'Find place to post result
    Set tgt = Sheets("Summary").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
    'Find data to copy and copy to target
    Set Source = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).Resize(, 2)
    Rw = Source.Rows.Count
    Source.Copy tgt
    'Insert - at any blank cells
    Set CkRange = tgt.Offset(, 1).Resize(Rw)
    For Each Cel In CkRange
    If Len(Cel) = 0 Then Cel = "-"
    'Move data to corresponding column
    CkRange.Cut tgt.Offset(, i - 1)
    Sheets("Summary").Activate [/VBA]

    Now, instead of consolidating the data from individual sheets as per above, I would like to change the macro so that it consolidates data from multiple workbooks that I would have opened rather than worksheets from the same workbook.

    Each workbook contains data in the first two columns of the first sheet:

    The set up of my files looks like this:

    Workbook 1 - sheet 1

    Col A Col B
    11/11/2006 4
    12/11/2006 5
    13/11/2006 6

    Workbook 2 –sheet 1
    Col A Col B
    11/11/2006 19
    13/11/2006 20

    Summary Workbook – Sheet 1 (effectively one that I would create that would store the consolidated data)

    I'm assuming this is relatively easy change to make to the code, but not sure how, any help would be much appreciated.



  2. #2
    VBAX Tutor gnod's Avatar
    Apr 2006
    this is the code i use for consolidation.. maybe it will give you an idea..

    Option Explicit
    Option Base 1

    Const strMdbFilename As String = "Consol - Expense.mdb"

    Const strMdbTbl_Exp As String = "tblExp"
    Const strMdbTbl_DepreciationExisting As String = "tblDepreciationExisting"
    Const strMdbTbl_DepreciationNew As String = "tblDepreciationNew"
    Const strMdbTbl_Capex As String = "tblCapex"
    Const strMdbTbl_Organic As String = "tblOrganic"
    Const strMdbTbl_Subcon As String = "tblSubcon"

    Const strMdbQry_Exp As String = "qryExp"
    Const strMdbQry_SPL As String = "qrySPL"
    Const strMdbQry_Organic As String = "qryOrganic"
    Const strMdbQry_OrganicTransferTo As String = "qryOrganicTransferTo"

    Dim MySel As Object

    'Main program for Consolidation
    Public Sub Consolidate()
    End Sub

    Private Sub ExpChecker()
    Dim strXlsPath As String, strFilesInPath As String, strMyPrompt As String

    strXlsPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\For Consol\Expense\"

    'If there are no Excel files in the folder exit the sub
    strFilesInPath = Dir(strXlsPath & "*.xls")
    If strFilesInPath = "" Then
    strMyPrompt = "No Excel file found!!!" & _
    (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & _
    "- Excel file should be in the 'For Consol\Expense\ folder'."
    MsgBox strMyPrompt, vbCritical, "Error: Consolidation"
    End If

    With Worksheets("GAEandCAPEXSummary")
    If .Range("BudgetYr") = "" Then
    MsgBox "Please Input Budget Year", vbCritical, "Data Required"
    End If
    End With
    End Sub

    'Clear the contents
    Public Sub ExpClearContents()
    Dim varUserData As Variant
    Dim intCounter As Integer

    varUserData = Array("GAE_EmpRelExp", "GAE_CompRelExp", "GAE_CustRelExp", _
    "GAE_FixedOprtgExp", "CAPEX")

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    With Worksheets("GAEandCapexSummary")
    .Unprotect modConsolExpMisc.strPassword
    For intCounter = 1 To UBound(varUserData)
    .Range("UserData_" & varUserData(intCounter)).ClearContents
    Next intCounter
    .Protect modConsolExpMisc.strPassword
    End With

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    'Create an MDB File using DAO
    Private Sub ExpCreateMDB()
    'Common Variables
    Dim dbMdb As Database
    Dim strMdbPath As String
    Dim intCounter As Integer

    'Variables for Expense
    Dim tdTblDef_Exp As TableDef
    Dim qdQryDef_Exp As QueryDef, qdQryDef_SPL As QueryDef
    Dim strSQL_Exp As String, strSQL_SPL As String
    Dim varTblHeader_Exp As Variant

    'Variables for Organic
    Dim tdTblDef_Organic As TableDef
    Dim qdQryDef_Organic As QueryDef, qdQryDef_OrganicTransferTo As QueryDef
    Dim strSQL_Organic As String, strSQL_OrganicTransferTo As String
    Dim varTblHeader_Organic As Variant

    'Variables for Subcon
    Dim tdTblDef_Subcon As TableDef
    Dim varTblHeader_Subcon As Variant

    'Variables for Capex
    Dim tdTblDef_Capex As TableDef
    Dim varTblHeader_Capex As Variant

    'Variables for Depreciation
    Dim tdTblDef_DepreciationExisting As TableDef, tdTblDef_DepreciationNew As TableDef
    Dim varTblHeader_Depreciation As Variant

    varTblHeader_Exp = Array("Filename", "DeptBranch", "CRC", "RC", "Location", "LocCode", _
    "RefCode", "ActualTotal", "ActualAnnualized", "ActualRvsed", "Reforecast", "ProjTotal", _
    "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")

    'Consist of Filename, Location, Dept, Name, JobPos, JobLevel, and EmpType
    varTblHeader_Organic = Array("Filename", "Location", "Dept", "EmpName", _
    "EmpType", "JobPos", "JobLevel", "TransferFromTo", "TransferDept", "Ind_Transfer")

    varTblHeader_Subcon = Array("Filename", "Location", "Dept", "Services", _
    "IDNumber", "Deployment", "ServiceProvider", "Rate", "Unit")

    varTblHeader_Capex = Array("Dept", "CRC", "LocDesc", "LocCode", "Category", "Particular", "Qty", "UnitCostPerQty", "Amount", _
    "BudgetedMonth", "TotalDep", "JanDep", "FebDep", "MarDep", "AprDep", "MayDep", "JunDep", _
    "JulDep", "AugDep", "SepDep", "OctDep", "NovDep", "DecDep")

    varTblHeader_Depreciation = Array("Filename", "Dept", "Category", "Total", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", _
    "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")

    strMdbPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & strMdbFilename

    'If the MDB file already exists, KILL it.
    If Dir(strMdbPath) <> "" Then Kill strMdbPath

    'Make a MDB file
    Set dbMdb = CreateDatabase(strMdbPath, dbLangGeneral)

    'Make a TableDef
    With dbMdb
    Set tdTblDef_Exp = .CreateTableDef(strMdbTbl_Exp)
    Set tdTblDef_Organic = .CreateTableDef(strMdbTbl_Organic)
    Set tdTblDef_Subcon = .CreateTableDef(strMdbTbl_Subcon)
    Set tdTblDef_Capex = .CreateTableDef(strMdbTbl_Capex)
    Set tdTblDef_DepreciationExisting = .CreateTableDef(strMdbTbl_DepreciationExisting)
    Set tdTblDef_DepreciationNew = .CreateTableDef(strMdbTbl_DepreciationNew)
    End With

    With tdTblDef_Exp
    'Field for Filename, DeptBranch, CRC, RC, Location, LocCode, and RefCode
    'in varTblHeader_Exp
    For intCounter = 1 To 7
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Exp(intCounter), dbText)
    Next intCounter

    'Remaining field in varTblHeader_Exp (ex: Actual, Proj Total, Jan-Dec)
    For intCounter = 8 To UBound(varTblHeader_Exp)
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Exp(intCounter), dbDouble)
    Next intCounter
    End With

    With tdTblDef_Organic
    For intCounter = 1 To UBound(varTblHeader_Organic)
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Organic(intCounter), dbText)
    Next intCounter
    End With

    With tdTblDef_Subcon
    For intCounter = 1 To UBound(varTblHeader_Subcon) - 2
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Subcon(intCounter), dbText)
    Next intCounter
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Subcon(8), dbDouble)
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Subcon(9), dbText)
    End With

    With tdTblDef_Capex
    For intCounter = 1 To 6
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Capex(intCounter), dbText)
    Next intCounter

    For intCounter = 7 To 9
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Capex(intCounter), dbDouble)
    Next intCounter

    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Capex(10), dbText)

    For intCounter = 11 To 23
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Capex(intCounter), dbDouble)
    Next intCounter
    End With

    With tdTblDef_DepreciationExisting
    For intCounter = 1 To 3
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Depreciation(intCounter), dbText)
    Next intCounter

    For intCounter = 4 To UBound(varTblHeader_Depreciation)
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Depreciation(intCounter), dbDouble)
    Next intCounter
    End With

    With tdTblDef_DepreciationNew
    For intCounter = 1 To 3
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Depreciation(intCounter), dbText)
    Next intCounter

    For intCounter = 4 To UBound(varTblHeader_Depreciation)
    .Fields.Append .CreateField(varTblHeader_Depreciation(intCounter), dbDouble)
    Next intCounter
    End With

    'Make a QueryDef
    With dbMdb
    Set qdQryDef_Exp = .CreateQueryDef(strMdbQry_Exp)
    Set qdQryDef_SPL = .CreateQueryDef(strMdbQry_SPL)
    Set qdQryDef_Organic = .CreateQueryDef(strMdbQry_Organic)
    Set qdQryDef_OrganicTransferTo = .CreateQueryDef(strMdbQry_OrganicTransferTo)
    End With

    strSQL_Exp = "SELECT RefCode, "
    strSQL_Exp = strSQL_Exp & "Sum(ActualTotal) AS SumOfActualTotal, Sum(ActualAnnualized) AS SumOfActualAnnualized, "
    strSQL_Exp = strSQL_Exp & "Sum(ActualRvsed) AS SumOfActualRvsed, Sum(Reforecast) AS SumOfReforecast, "
    strSQL_Exp = strSQL_Exp & "Sum(ProjTotal) AS SumOfProjTotal, "
    strSQL_Exp = strSQL_Exp & "Sum(Jan) AS SumOfJan, Sum(Feb) AS SumOfFeb, Sum(Mar) AS SumOfMar, "
    strSQL_Exp = strSQL_Exp & "Sum(Apr) AS SumOfApr, Sum(May) AS SumOfMay, Sum(Jun) AS SumOfJun, "
    strSQL_Exp = strSQL_Exp & "Sum(Jul) AS SumOfJul, Sum(Aug) AS SumOfAug, Sum(Sep) AS SumOfSep, "
    strSQL_Exp = strSQL_Exp & "Sum(Oct) AS SumOfOct, Sum(Nov) AS SumOfNov, Sum(Dec) AS SumOfDec "
    strSQL_Exp = strSQL_Exp & "FROM tblExp GROUP BY RefCode"
    qdQryDef_Exp.Sql = strSQL_Exp

    strSQL_SPL = "SELECT LocCode, Location, "
    strSQL_SPL = strSQL_SPL & "Sum(ActualTotal) AS SumOfActualTotal, Sum(ActualAnnualized) AS SumOfActualAnnualized, Sum(ProjTotal) AS SumOfProjTotal, "
    strSQL_SPL = strSQL_SPL & "Sum(Jan) AS SumOfJan, Sum(Feb) AS SumOfFeb, Sum(Mar) AS SumOfMar, "
    strSQL_SPL = strSQL_SPL & "Sum(Apr) AS SumOfApr, Sum(May) AS SumOfMay, Sum(Jun) AS SumOfJun, "
    strSQL_SPL = strSQL_SPL & "Sum(Jul) AS SumOfJul, Sum(Aug) AS SumOfAug, Sum(Sep) AS SumOfSep, "
    strSQL_SPL = strSQL_SPL & "Sum(Oct) AS SumOfOct, Sum(Nov) AS SumOfNov, Sum(Dec) AS SumOfDec "
    strSQL_SPL = strSQL_SPL & "FROM tblExp WHERE RefCode IN ('8030000000', '2030000000') "
    strSQL_SPL = strSQL_SPL & "GROUP BY LocCode, Location"
    qdQryDef_SPL.Sql = strSQL_SPL

    'Query - do not include "Transfer To" employee
    strSQL_Organic = "SELECT Filename, Location, Dept, EmpName, EmpType, JobPos, JobLevel, Count(EmpName) AS Count "
    strSQL_Organic = strSQL_Organic & "FROM tblOrganic GROUP BY Filename, Location, Dept, EmpName, EmpType, JobPos, JobLevel "
    strSQL_Organic = strSQL_Organic & "HAVING Count(EmpName) = 1 ORDER BY Dept, EmpName;"
    qdQryDef_Organic.Sql = strSQL_Organic

    strSQL_OrganicTransferTo = "SELECT Filename, Location, Dept, EmpName, EmpType, JobPos, JobLevel, TransferDept "
    strSQL_OrganicTransferTo = strSQL_OrganicTransferTo & "FROM tblOrganic WHERE Ind_Transfer = '2' "
    strSQL_OrganicTransferTo = strSQL_OrganicTransferTo & "ORDER BY Dept, EmpName;"
    qdQryDef_OrganicTransferTo.Sql = strSQL_OrganicTransferTo

    With dbMdb.TableDefs
    .Append tdTblDef_Exp
    .Append tdTblDef_Organic
    .Append tdTblDef_Subcon
    .Append tdTblDef_Capex
    .Append tdTblDef_DepreciationExisting
    .Append tdTblDef_DepreciationNew
    End With

    End Sub

    'Export Data from Excel to Access using ADO
    Private Sub ExpExportData()
    'Common Variables
    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim strMdbPath As String, strXlsPath As String, strFilesInPath As String, _
    strArrayMyFiles() As String
    Dim lngFnum As Long, lngRow As Long, intCol As Integer
    Dim varUserData As Variant
    Dim intCounter1 As Integer, intCounter2 As Integer, intCounter3 As Integer

    'Variables for Expense
    Dim rst_Exp As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL_Exp As String
    Dim varBuf_Exp As Variant, varBuf_HeaderData As Variant, varTblHeader_Exp As Variant

    'Variables for Organic
    Dim rst_Organic As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL_Organic As String
    Dim varBuf_Organic As Variant, varEmpRange As Variant

    'Variables for Subcon
    Dim rst_Subcon As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL_Subcon As String
    Dim varBuf_Subcon As Variant, varSubconRange As Variant

    'Variables for Capex
    Dim rst_Capex As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL_Capex As String
    Dim varCapexData As Variant, varBuf_CapexCategory As Variant, varBuf_CapexData As Variant

    'Variables for Depreciation
    Dim rst_DepreciationExisting As ADODB.Recordset, rst_DepreciationNew As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL_DepreciationExisting As String, strSQL_DepreciationNew As String
    Dim varBuf_DepreciationExisting As Variant, varBuf_DepreciationNew As Variant

    varTblHeader_Exp = Array("Filename", "DeptBranch", "CRC", "RC", "Location", "LocCode", _
    "RefCode", "ActualTotal", "ActualAnnualized", "ActualRvsed", "Reforecast", "ProjTotal", _
    "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")

    varUserData = Array("UserData_GAE_EmpRelExp", "UserData_GAE_CompRelExp", _
    "UserData_GAE_CustRelExp", "UserData_GAE_FixedOprtgExp", "UserData_CAPEX")

    varCapexData = Array("Aircraft", "AircraftEquipment", "LibraryMaterials", "ComputerEquipment", _
    "CompPrgDevtCost", "FurnFixEquip", "ServiceVehicle", "CommunicationEquipment", _
    "Tools", "HangarGroundEquipment", "ForwardingTrucks", "Building", "Land", _
    "LandImprovement", "LeaseholdImprovement", "BrandIdentity")

    varEmpRange = Array("EmpRange", "NewEmp_EmpRange", "TransferEmp_EmpRange")
    varSubconRange = Array("GeneralExisting", "GeneralNew", "JanitorialExisting", "JanitorialNew")

    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    Set rst_Exp = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst_Organic = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst_Subcon = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst_Capex = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst_DepreciationExisting = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst_DepreciationNew = New ADODB.Recordset

    strMdbPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & strMdbFilename
    strXlsPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\For Consol\Expense\"

    'Add a slash at the end if the user forget it
    If Right(strXlsPath, 1) <> "\" Then
    strXlsPath = strXlsPath & "\"
    End If

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    'Fill the array(myFiles) with the list of Excel files in the folder
    lngFnum = 0
    strFilesInPath = Dir(strXlsPath & "*.xls")
    Do While strFilesInPath <> ""
    lngFnum = lngFnum + 1
    ReDim Preserve strArrayMyFiles(1 To lngFnum)
    strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum) = strFilesInPath
    strFilesInPath = Dir()

    cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & strMdbPath & ";"

    'Delete a previous data from the table
    strSQL_Exp = "DELETE * FROM " & strMdbTbl_Exp
    strSQL_Organic = "DELETE * FROM " & strMdbTbl_Organic
    strSQL_Subcon = "DELETE * FROM " & strMdbTbl_Subcon
    strSQL_Capex = "DELETE * FROM " & strMdbTbl_Capex
    strSQL_DepreciationExisting = "DELETE * FROM " & strMdbTbl_DepreciationExisting
    strSQL_DepreciationNew = "DELETE * FROM " & strMdbTbl_DepreciationNew

    With cnn
    .Execute (strSQL_Exp)
    .Execute (strSQL_Organic)
    .Execute (strSQL_Subcon)
    .Execute (strSQL_Capex)
    .Execute (strSQL_DepreciationExisting)
    .Execute (strSQL_DepreciationNew)
    End With

    'Select the table
    strSQL_Exp = "SELECT * FROM " & strMdbTbl_Exp
    strSQL_Organic = "SELECT * FROM " & strMdbTbl_Organic
    strSQL_Subcon = "SELECT * FROM " & strMdbTbl_Subcon
    strSQL_Capex = "SELECT * FROM " & strMdbTbl_Capex
    strSQL_DepreciationExisting = "SELECT * FROM " & strMdbTbl_DepreciationExisting
    strSQL_DepreciationNew = "SELECT * FROM " & strMdbTbl_DepreciationNew

    rst_Exp.Open strSQL_Exp, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
    rst_Organic.Open strSQL_Organic, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
    rst_Subcon.Open strSQL_Subcon, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
    rst_Capex.Open strSQL_Capex, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
    rst_DepreciationExisting.Open strSQL_DepreciationExisting, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
    rst_DepreciationNew.Open strSQL_DepreciationNew, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

    If lngFnum > 0 Then
    For lngFnum = LBound(strArrayMyFiles) To UBound(strArrayMyFiles)
    varBuf_HeaderData = ReadDataFromWorkbook(strXlsPath & strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum), _

    For intCounter1 = 1 To UBound(varEmpRange)
    varBuf_Organic = ReadDataFromWorkbook(strXlsPath & strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum), _
    With rst_Organic
    For lngRow = LBound(varBuf_Organic, 2) To UBound(varBuf_Organic, 2)
    .Fields("Filename") = strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum)
    .Fields("Location") = varBuf_HeaderData(0, 3)
    .Fields("Dept") = varBuf_HeaderData(0, 0)
    .Fields("EmpName") = varBuf_Organic(0, lngRow)
    .Fields("EmpType") = varBuf_Organic(1, lngRow)
    .Fields("JobPos") = varBuf_Organic(2, lngRow)
    .Fields("JobLevel") = varBuf_Organic(3, lngRow)
    .Fields("Ind_Transfer") = 0
    If varEmpRange(intCounter1) = "TransferEmp_EmpRange" Then
    .Fields("TransferFromTo") = varBuf_Organic(8, lngRow)
    .Fields("TransferDept") = varBuf_Organic(9, lngRow)
    .Fields("Ind_Transfer") = varBuf_Organic(11, lngRow)
    End If
    If IsNull(.Fields("EmpName").Value) Then
    End If
    Next lngRow
    End With
    Next intCounter1

    For intCounter1 = 1 To UBound(varSubconRange)
    varBuf_Subcon = ReadDataFromWorkbook(strXlsPath & strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum), _
    varSubconRange(intCounter1) & "Info")
    With rst_Subcon
    For lngRow = LBound(varBuf_Subcon, 2) To UBound(varBuf_Subcon, 2)
    .Fields("Filename") = strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum)
    .Fields("Location") = varBuf_HeaderData(0, 3)
    .Fields("Dept") = varBuf_HeaderData(0, 0)
    .Fields("Services") = varSubconRange(intCounter1)
    .Fields("IDNumber") = varBuf_Subcon(0, lngRow)
    .Fields("Deployment") = varBuf_Subcon(1, lngRow)
    .Fields("ServiceProvider") = varBuf_Subcon(2, lngRow)
    .Fields("Rate") = varBuf_Subcon(3, lngRow)
    If varSubconRange(intCounter1) = "ITServices" Then
    .Fields("Unit") = "Per Month"
    ElseIf varSubconRange(intCounter1) = "JanitorialExisting" Or _
    varSubconRange(intCounter1) = "JanitorialNew" Then
    .Fields("Unit") = "Per Day"
    .Fields("Unit") = varBuf_Subcon(4, lngRow)
    End If
    If IsNull(.Fields("IDNumber").Value) Then
    End If
    Next lngRow
    End With
    Next intCounter1

    For intCounter1 = 1 To UBound(varUserData)
    varBuf_Exp = ReadDataFromWorkbook(strXlsPath & strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum), _
    With rst_Exp
    For lngRow = LBound(varBuf_Exp, 2) To UBound(varBuf_Exp, 2)
    .Fields("Filename") = strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum)
    For intCounter2 = 1 To 5
    .Fields(intCounter2) = varBuf_HeaderData(0, intCounter2 - 1)
    Next intCounter2

    'In MDB file, from RefCode to Dec field.
    intCounter3 = 0
    For intCounter2 = 6 To UBound(varTblHeader_Exp) - 1
    .Fields(intCounter2) = varBuf_Exp(intCounter3, lngRow)
    intCounter3 = intCounter3 + 1
    Next intCounter2
    If (.Fields("ProjTotal").Value = 0 And .Fields("ActualTotal").Value = 0) Or _
    (IsNull(.Fields("ProjTotal").Value) And IsNull(.Fields("ActualTotal").Value)) Or _
    (.Fields("ProjTotal").Value = 0 And IsNull(.Fields("ActualTotal").Value)) Then
    End If
    Next lngRow
    End With
    Next intCounter1

    For intCounter1 = 1 To UBound(varCapexData)
    varBuf_CapexCategory = ReadDataFromWorkbook(strXlsPath & strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum), _
    "Capex_" & varCapexData(intCounter1) & "_Start")

    For intCounter2 = 1 To 2
    varBuf_CapexData = ReadDataFromWorkbook(strXlsPath & strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum), _
    "Capex_" & varCapexData(intCounter1) & "_Data" & intCounter2)

    With rst_Capex
    For lngRow = LBound(varBuf_CapexData, 2) To UBound(varBuf_CapexData, 2)
    .Fields("Dept") = varBuf_HeaderData(0, 0)
    .Fields("CRC") = varBuf_HeaderData(0, 1)
    .Fields("LocDesc") = varBuf_HeaderData(0, 3)
    .Fields("LocCode") = varBuf_HeaderData(0, 4)
    .Fields("Category") = varBuf_CapexCategory(0, 0)
    .Fields("Particular") = varBuf_CapexData(0, lngRow) & " - " & varBuf_CapexData(1, lngRow)
    .Fields("Qty") = varBuf_CapexData(2, lngRow)
    .Fields("UnitCostPerQty") = varBuf_CapexData(3, lngRow)
    .Fields("BudgetedMonth") = varBuf_CapexData(4, lngRow)
    .Fields("Amount") = varBuf_CapexData(6, lngRow)
    .Fields("TotalDep") = varBuf_CapexData(20, lngRow)
    .Fields("JanDep") = varBuf_CapexData(21, lngRow)
    .Fields("FebDep") = varBuf_CapexData(22, lngRow)
    .Fields("MarDep") = varBuf_CapexData(23, lngRow)
    .Fields("AprDep") = varBuf_CapexData(24, lngRow)
    .Fields("MayDep") = varBuf_CapexData(25, lngRow)
    .Fields("JunDep") = varBuf_CapexData(26, lngRow)
    .Fields("JulDep") = varBuf_CapexData(27, lngRow)
    .Fields("AugDep") = varBuf_CapexData(28, lngRow)
    .Fields("SepDep") = varBuf_CapexData(29, lngRow)
    .Fields("OctDep") = varBuf_CapexData(30, lngRow)
    .Fields("NovDep") = varBuf_CapexData(31, lngRow)
    .Fields("DecDep") = varBuf_CapexData(32, lngRow)
    If .Fields("Amount").Value = 0 Or IsNull(.Fields("Amount").Value) Then
    End If
    Next lngRow
    End With
    Next intCounter2
    Next intCounter1

    varBuf_DepreciationExisting = ReadDataFromWorkbook(strXlsPath & strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum), _

    With rst_DepreciationExisting
    For lngRow = LBound(varBuf_DepreciationExisting, 2) To UBound(varBuf_DepreciationExisting, 2)
    .Fields("Filename") = strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum)
    .Fields("Dept") = varBuf_HeaderData(0, 0)
    For intCol = LBound(varBuf_DepreciationExisting, 1) To UBound(varBuf_DepreciationExisting, 1)
    'Fields in Access Table is always start in 1
    .Fields(intCol + 2) = varBuf_DepreciationExisting(intCol, lngRow)
    Next intCol
    If .Fields("Total").Value = 0 Or IsNull(.Fields("Total").Value) Then
    End If
    Next lngRow
    End With

    varBuf_DepreciationNew = ReadDataFromWorkbook(strXlsPath & strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum), _

    With rst_DepreciationNew
    For lngRow = LBound(varBuf_DepreciationNew, 2) To UBound(varBuf_DepreciationNew, 2)
    .Fields("Filename") = strArrayMyFiles(lngFnum)
    .Fields("Dept") = varBuf_HeaderData(0, 0)
    For intCol = LBound(varBuf_DepreciationNew, 1) To UBound(varBuf_DepreciationNew, 1)
    'Fields in Access Table is always start in 1
    .Fields(intCol + 2) = varBuf_DepreciationNew(intCol, lngRow)
    Next intCol
    If .Fields("Total").Value = 0 Or IsNull(.Fields("Total").Value) Then
    End If
    Next lngRow
    End With
    Next lngFnum
    End If

    Set rst_Exp = Nothing
    Set rst_Organic = Nothing
    Set rst_Subcon = Nothing
    Set rst_Capex = Nothing
    Set rst_DepreciationExisting = Nothing
    Set rst_DepreciationNew = Nothing

    Set cnn = Nothing

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub ExpCompactDB()
    DBEngine.CompactDatabase ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & strMdbFilename, _
    ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "NewExpConsolDB.mdb"
    Kill ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & strMdbFilename
    Name ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "NewExpConsolDB.mdb" As ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & strMdbFilename
    End Sub

    'Import Data from Access to Excel using ADO
    Private Sub ExpImportData()
    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection, rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strMdbPath As String
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim intCol As Integer, intRow As Integer
    Dim blnFound As Boolean

    strMdbPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & strMdbFilename
    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & strMdbPath & ";"

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Worksheets("GAEandCAPEXSummary").Unprotect modConsolExpMisc.strPassword

    With rst
    .Open strMdbQry_Exp, cnn, adOpenForwardOnly, , adCmdTable
    Do Until rst.EOF
    With Worksheets("GAEandCAPEXSummary")
    For Each rngCell In .Range("GAECAPEXRefCode")
    If rngCell = rst.Fields("RefCode") Then
    intRow = rngCell.Row
    blnFound = True
    End If
    If blnFound = True Then
    For intCol = 3 To rst.Fields.Count + 1
    .Cells(intRow, intCol).Value = rst.Fields(intCol - 2).Value
    Next intCol
    blnFound = False
    GoTo StartLoop
    End If
    Next rngCell
    End With
    End With

    Worksheets("GAEandCAPEXSummary").Protect modConsolExpMisc.strPassword

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    'Read data in a closed workbook
    Private Function ReadDataFromWorkbook(SourceFile As String, SourceRange As Variant) As Variant
    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection, rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strConnection As String, strMyPrompt As String

    strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
    "Data Source=" & SourceFile & ";" & _
    "Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=No"";"

    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    cnn.Open strConnection
    Set rst = cnn.Execute("[" & SourceRange & "]")
    On Error GoTo 0
    ReadDataFromWorkbook = rst.GetRows 'returns a two dim array with all records in rst
    Set rst = Nothing
    Set cnn = Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Function

    strMyPrompt = "The Source File or Source Range is invalid!"

    MsgBox strMyPrompt, vbCritical, "Error: Consolidation"
    Set rst = Nothing
    Set cnn = Nothing
    With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = True
    .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    End With

    'Terminates execution
    End Function

  3. #3
    VP-Knowledge Base
    VBAX Grand Master mdmackillop's Avatar
    May 2004
    Hi Lucas,
    Is all your data in Sheet1 in all of your workbooks, or do they contain multiple sheets to be consolidated?
    MVP (Excel 2008-2010)

    Post a workbook with sample data and layout if you want a quicker solution.

    To help indent your macros try Smart Indent

    Please remember to mark threads 'Solved'

  4. #4
    VP-Knowledge Base VBAX Grand Master mdmackillop's Avatar
    May 2004
    Apologies for missing your posting in the other thread.
    Try the following.
    [vba]Option Explicit
    Option Compare Text
    Sub Consolidate()
    Dim tgt As Range, Source As Range, CkRange As Range, Cel As Range
    Dim Rw As Long, i As Long, Dt As Range
    Dim c As Range
    Dim WB As Workbook, w As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
    i = 1
    'Loop through each sheet after first
    For Each w In Workbooks
    If w.Name <> WB.Name And w.Name <> "Personal.xls" Then
    Set ws = w.Worksheets(1)
    'Find place to post result
    Set tgt = WB.Sheets("Summary").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
    'Find data to copy and copy to target
    Set Source = Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).Resize(, 2)
    Source.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    Rw = Source.Rows.Count
    Source.Copy tgt
    'Insert - at any blank cells
    Set CkRange = tgt.Offset(, 1).Resize(Rw)
    For Each Cel In CkRange
    If Len(Cel) = 0 Then Cel = "-"
    'Move data to corresponding column
    i = i + 1
    CkRange.Cut tgt.Offset(, i - 1)
    End If

    'Part 2
    'Find end of copied data
    With WB.Sheets("Summary")
    Rw = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    'Read last cell
    Set Dt = .Cells(Rw, 1)
    'Find location if date occurred before
    Set c = Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(Rw - 1, 1)).Find(Dt.Value, After:=.Cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlFormulas)
    'If found, move corresponding value to first found value
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
    Dt.End(xlToRight).Cut Cells(c.Row, Dt.End(xlToRight).Column)
    End If
    'Check next cell
    Rw = Rw - 1
    Loop Until Rw = 1
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    MVP (Excel 2008-2010)

    Post a workbook with sample data and layout if you want a quicker solution.

    To help indent your macros try Smart Indent

    Please remember to mark threads 'Solved'

  5. #5

    Thanks for the code. Answer to your question which you've probably already worked out is yes all my data is in the first sheet of all the workbooks althougth they may not all necessarily be named as Sheet1.

    Anyway, I tried running your ammended code but it returns the VB error 400 in a message box?



  6. #6
    VP-Knowledge Base VBAX Grand Master mdmackillop's Avatar
    May 2004
    Can you step through and let me know where the error occurs.
    MVP (Excel 2008-2010)

    Post a workbook with sample data and layout if you want a quicker solution.

    To help indent your macros try Smart Indent

    Please remember to mark threads 'Solved'

  7. #7
    Hi mdmackillop,

    Sorry It was my fault, I'd pasted the data into a worksheet as opposed to within a module!

    But whilst this thread fresh in our minds, going back to your orginal question ("Is all your data in Sheet1 in all of your workbooks, or do they contain multiple sheets to be consolidated?"), if data was actually spread accross mutiple sheets in different workbooks as opposed to just in sheet1, would it be easy to change the code to reflect this? It might be that at some point it is very likely that my set up would change so that I would need to consolidate mutiple data sheets within workbooks as well as accross workbooks.



  8. #8
    VP-Knowledge Base VBAX Grand Master mdmackillop's Avatar
    May 2004
    Hi Lucas,
    Basically, you would need to add another loop before this line
    Set ws = w.Worksheets(1)

    where 1 would be replaced by a variable.
    MVP (Excel 2008-2010)

    Post a workbook with sample data and layout if you want a quicker solution.

    To help indent your macros try Smart Indent

    Please remember to mark threads 'Solved'

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