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Thread: wordwrap problems in AutoCAD

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2007

    Question wordwrap problems in AutoCAD

    I have a textbox that an operator types in, and I need to format the string according to a max column witdh(55 -60 characters). I tried to tokenize the string, InStr, InStrRev, but I still accasionally get a line that run's over the frames border. Is there anyway to get the string wordwrapped to a max column width of 60 characters?
    Here's the code I've written that works best so far:
    But still doesn't work everytime.

    [VBA] Public Sub BuildDescrArray()
    Dim sTmp, sTmp2 As String
    Dim i As Integer, iLen As Integer
    If DescCnt = "" Then
    msg = MsgBox("There must be at least one line item entered in the Description Column", vbCritical, Missing Information")
    Exit Sub
    End If
    ReDim Preserve DescStrArray(0 To DescCnt)
    sTmp = Array(Split(StartForm.TextBox3.Text, (vbCrLf & vbCrLf))) '''split first time according to double carriage
    For b = 0 To UBound(sTmp(0)) '''returns in the textbox
    sTmp2 = Split(sTmp(0)(b), vbCrLf)
    For c = 0 To UBound(sTmp2)
    If Len(sTmp2(c)) > 54 Then
    If Len(sTmp2(c)) > 108 Then
    position = InStr((position + 1), sTmp2(c), " ")
    spacecnt = spacecnt + 1
    Loop Until position = 0
    position = InStr(1, sTmp2(c), " ")
    If spacecnt = 0 Then
    Exit Do
    End If
    position = InStr((position + 1), sTmp2(c), " ")
    If position >= 54 Then
    sTmp2(c) = Left(sTmp2(c), position) & vbCr & Right(sTmp2(c), Len(sTmp2(c)) - position)
    tmppos = position
    tmppos1 = position
    If spacecnt = 0 Then
    Exit Do
    End If
    position = InStr((tmppos1 + 1), sTmp2(c), " ")
    tmppos1 = position
    spacecnt = spacecnt - 1
    Loop Until position >= (tmppos + 54) Or position = 0
    End If '''position >= 54
    spacecnt = spacecnt - 1
    Loop Until position = 0
    position = InStrRev(sTmp2(c), " ", Len(sTmp2(c)))
    position = InStrRev(sTmp2(c), " ", (position - 1))
    If position <= 54 Then
    sTmp2(c) = Left(sTmp2(c), position) & vbCr & Right(sTmp2(c), Len(sTmp2(c)) - position)
    Exit Do
    End If '''position <= 54
    Loop Until position = 0
    End If
    DescStrArray(b) = sTmp2(c)
    'Exit For

    End If
    tempstr = tempstr & sTmp2(c) & vbCr
    Next c
    DescStrArray(b) = Split(tempstr, vbCr) '''split second time according to carriage returns in the lineNext b
    tempstr = ""
    Next b
    End Sub[/VBA]

    EDIT: Added VBA Code tags Tommy

  2. #2
    VBAX Master Tommy's Avatar
    May 2004
    Houston, TX
    Hi thamest,

    Welcome to VBAX!

    If DescCnt = "" Then
    msg = MsgBox("There must be at least one line item entered in the Description Column", vbCritical, Missing Information")
    Exit Sub
    StartForm.Show '<-- this never happens
    End If

    As a suggestion look into replace. I think a replace on the vbCrLf would simplify you code a lot. then you could check the length for the number of vbCr to insert in the string.

    Are you going to have to deal with mtext formatting?
    The width facter?
    ttf and/or shx?

    I use a facter of 8 when the text height is 12 and the width facter is 0.75. Since I ussually write dxf files I have to figure the actual text insertion point, no acad to figure it for me . But this number seems to work the best over all. Very few overwrites on the center, left, and right justifications. The ones that show up are - well now whats. LOL

  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2007
    There "should be" no mtext. we xplode everything(VBA) with every save. The font is always the same, Romans. How would I measure according to width factor? The width factor we use is 0.900. The available width space is approx. 5.25in. What this is for is a revision write-up. We are still using Lisp for this and management want's everything done in vba. The top line:
    if desccnt = "", is just to make sure that the operator has entered data in before continuing. To make everything "easy" for the operator, (press enter twice for a new line item and press enter once for a new line). I split first according to vbcrlf & vbcrlf, then split again according to vbcr.
    Then go through and format each line to the width. I am still basically a newbie in Acad vba, written several apps in vb6; but this the first cad-vba app.

    Thanks for your reply, any help at this point is useful. And maybe I learn something new......

  4. #4
    VBAX Master Tommy's Avatar
    May 2004
    Houston, TX
    I butchered your code. I had to dim some of the vars so you may need to undim them. I think this is what you are looking for. I basically split the string the same way you have, I just look for a " " at the end to the front for a place to break the line and add a vbcr between the lines.

    [vba]Public Sub BuildDescrArray()
    Dim sTmp, sTmp2() As String', DescStrArray() As Variant, DescCnt As String
    Dim i As Integer, iLen As Integer, tempstr As String
    'DescCnt = 30
    If DescCnt = "" Then
    msg = MsgBox("There must be at least one line item entered in the Description Column", _
    vbCritical, "Missing Information")
    Exit Sub
    End If
    ReDim Preserve DescStrArray(0 To DescCnt)
    sTmp = Array(Split(StartForm.TextBox3.Text, (vbCrLf & vbCrLf)))
    '''split first time according to double carriage
    For b = 0 To UBound(sTmp(0)) '''returns in the textbox
    sTmp2 = Split(sTmp(0)(b), vbCrLf)
    For c = 0 To UBound(sTmp2)
    While Len(sTmp2(c)) > 54
    tempstr = tempstr & Left(sTmp2(c), InStrRev(sTmp2(c), " ", 54)) & vbCr
    sTmp2(c) = Mid(sTmp2(c), InStrRev(sTmp2(c), " ", IIf(Len(sTmp2(c)) >= 54, 54, Len(sTmp2(c)))))
    tempstr = tempstr & sTmp2(c) & vbCr
    Next c
    DescStrArray(b) = Split(tempstr, vbCr)
    '''split second time according to carriage returns in the lineNext b
    tempstr = ""
    Next b
    End Sub

    Let me know if you need more help. But I would like a sample next time so I don't have to spend a lot of time setting up to debug/test.

    I grew up in Starkville and West Point.

  5. #5
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2007
    Thanks Tommy, I would have never thought about doing it that way. Now I can scrap the idea of trying to use a bounding box, which wreaks havock when placing the text. You are the first person to give me a real idea of how to go about doing this.

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