Hi folks... hopefully this is a quick question which can give a quick answer.

I have a spreadsheet that contains, among other things, a sheet that is updated via another process (gets a few hundred rows added). I have a pivot table that is based on this data, and I need the pivot table to detect the new records and refresh accordingly.

The following code snippet is what I've got in place currently - problem is though it does NOT update the range.

'Create a pivot table based on the data...
    Application.StatusBar = "Updating Pivot, please wait..."
    With Sheets("Pivots")
    .PivotTableWizard SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:="AllData!A1:E" & lngAllMaxRow + 2
    End With
Application.CommandBars("PivotTable").Visible = False
The variable lngAllMaxRow contains the total number of data rows on the sheet AllData. The range A1:Exxx is the range I want the pivot table to reflect.

Any ideas? This is going to bug me, I can see...

