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Thread: Excel userform pass values to SQl query

  1. #1

    Excel userform pass values to SQl query

    hi all .. first time here for me..
    I've done a lot of research on this site and i either cant find my issue or i cant interpret correctly.
    1. i have an Excel user form, the excel userform has 3 boxes that can allow for multiple selections in each box.
    2. the values are returned to Excel in columns A, B, C, D. Each column could have 1 or many returned values.
    3. I'm trying to pass those values in a SQL query
    I tried this code below but i dont know how to be able to read all the values in a column and pass to the query..
    Basically i dont want all these 'And' statements and 'OR' statements in my 'where' clause.. how can shrink this code up?

    DataWrkSht = Sheets("SelectionCriteriaResult")

    Div1 = DataWrkSht.Cells(5, 1).Value
    Div2 = DataWrkSht.Cells(6, 1).Value
    Div3 = DataWrkSht.Cells(7, 1).Value
    Div4 = DataWrkSht.Cells(8, 1).Value
    Div5 = DataWrkSht.Cells(9, 1).Value
    Div6 = DataWrkSht.Cells(10, 1).Value
    Div7 = DataWrkSht.Cells(11, 1).Value
    Div8 = DataWrkSht.Cells(12, 1).Value
    Div9 = DataWrkSht.Cells(13, 1).Value
    Div10 = DataWrkSht.Cells(14, 1).Value
    ExpGrp1 = DataWrkSht.Cells(5, 9).Value
    ExpGrp2 = DataWrkSht.Cells(6, 9).Value
    ExpGrp3 = DataWrkSht.Cells(7, 9).Value
    Year1 = DataWrkSht.Cells(5, 17).Value
    Year2 = DataWrkSht.Cells(6, 17).Value
    Year3 = DataWrkSht.Cells(7, 17).Value
    Table = "EXPENSE_X_CBACK"
    Field1 = "DIV"
    Field2 = "EXPENSE_GROUP"
    Field3 = "YEAR"
    TableField1 = Table & "." & Field1
    TableField2 = Table & "." & Field2
    TableField3 = Table & "." & Field3
    With ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlExternal)
    .Connection = _
    "ODBC;DSN=xxxxx;Description=xxxxx;APP=Microsoft Office 2003;WSID=xxxxxxx;DATABASE=xx_xxxxx;Trusted_Connection=Yes"
    .CommandType = xlCmdSql
    .CommandText = "Select * " _
    & "FROM pt_aawokmgr.dbo." _
    & Table _
    & " WHERE ((" & TableField & "='" & Div1 & "') " _
    & "Or (" & TableField1 & "='" & Div2 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField1 & "='" & Div3 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField1 & "='" & Div4 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField1 & "='" & Div5 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField1 & "='" & Div6 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField1 & "='" & Div7 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField1 & "='" & Div8 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField1 & "='" & Div9 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField1 & "='" & Div10 & "'))" _
    & "And ((" & TableField2 & "='" & ExpGrp1 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField2 & "='" & ExpGrp2 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField2 & "='" & ExpGrp3 & "'))" _
    & "And ((" & TableField3 & "='" & Year1 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField3 & "='" & Year2 & "')" _
    & "Or (" & TableField3 & "='" & Year3 & "'))" _

    .CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="'[MI Tool.xls]ListBox List'!R30C1", _
    TableName:="PivotTale2", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion10
    End With

    Edited 10-Apr-07 by geekgirlau. Reason: insert vba tags

  2. #2
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    I don't understand. You want to pass many values to your SQL WHERE clause, but you don't want to use AND or OR? THe only other way I can think of is to load into a temporary table and interrogate that table in the query, but why bother?

  3. #3
    sorry on the question...
    in this 'where' clause above, what is happening is that some of the values in the query are "" and then when it is joined with the AND statement it returns empty dataset.
    somehow i need to loop through my OR statement until empty cell value..
    ...So what is happening is the query is passing "" with say year 2007 and because it is 'AND' it returns empty data.
    I dont know how to construct my WHERE clause so that it loops through all values in a column until cell is empty..

  4. #4
    Create your SQl in a separate string variable and omit the parts that are "" by using if-then constructs.

    Jan Karel Pieterse
    Excel MVP

  5. #5
    I'm not sure how to create SQl in a separte string variable and omit the parts that are "" by using if -then constructs... could you give me a sample code example.. i'm sorta a newbie to vba/sql.. i struggle with the syntax..thanks.!

  6. #6
    Moderator VBAX Master geekgirlau's Avatar
    Aug 2004
    Melbourne, Australia
    Dim DataWrkSht As Sheet
    Dim strDiv As String
    Dim strExp As String
    Dim strYear As String
    Dim strWhere As String
    Dim i As Integer

    DataWrkSht = Sheets("SelectionCriteriaResult")

    ' capture values for DIV
    For i = 5 To 14
    If DataWrkSht.Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then
    strDiv = strDiv & "'" & DataWrkSht.Cells(i, 1).Value & "',"
    End If
    Next i

    If strDiv <> "" Then
    strWhere = "(DIV In (" & Left(strDiv, Len(strDiv) - 1) & ")"
    End If

    ' capture values for EXPENSE_GROUP
    For i = 5 To 7
    If DataWrkSht.Cells(i, 9).Value <> "" Then
    strExp = strExp & "'" & DataWrkSht.Cells(i, 9).Value & "',"
    End If
    Next i

    If strExp <> "" Then
    strWhere = strWhere & " AND (EXPENSE_GROUP In (" & Left(strExp, Len(strExp) - 1) & ")"
    End If

    ' capture values for YEAR
    For i = 5 To 7
    If DataWrkSht.Cells(i, 17).Value <> "" Then
    strYear = strYear & "'" & DataWrkSht.Cells(i, 17).Value & "',"
    End If
    Next i

    If strYear <> "" Then
    strWhere = strWhere & " AND (YEAR In (" & Left(strYear, Len(strYear) - 1) & ")"
    End If

    If Left(strWhere, 5) = " AND " Then
    strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 6)
    End If

    With ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlExternal)
    .Connection = "ODBC;DSN=xxxxx;Description=xxxxx;APP=Microsoft Office 2003;WSID=xxxxxxx;" & _
    .CommandType = xlCmdSql
    .CommandText = "SELECT * " _
    & "FROM pt_aawokmgr.dbo.EXPENSE_X_CBACK " _
    & "WHERE " & strWhere

    .CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="'[MI Tool.xls]ListBox List'!R30C1", _
    TableName:="PivotTale2", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion10
    End With

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